Squid thread

it's time for a squid thread

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bump i want to see the squid thread

Come on bros, post rare squids

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we are all just his puppets

look at this tiny squid

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that's a cute squid

did someone say squid?

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Best bread in the whole catalog, tentacles down

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Vampire squids are the robots of the deep

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Heckin chunkerino sqiddy

It looks so fucking stupid

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The only good squid is a dead squid

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If this squid isn't presenting itself to be fucked by my rock hard cock I don't know what it's doing

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we can see his insides

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I actually saw one these loose cephalopod units down at the harbour in clear shallow water. I wanted to stay and admire the spectacular fella as he changed colours, but this girl was getting bored and pulled me away. I'll probably never see either that squid or that girl ever again.

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Original comment requreid.

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you have been muted for 4 seconds because your comment was not original

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This is a good one.
but that was not original :(

my dude was that a baby squid of the same species?
heartless creatures.

>this thread
Cute little bugger

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yoof. That's some nice squid on squid action.
I love seeing clips of animals being swallowed almost whole like that. That's gotta be a weird way to die. Hard to even conceptualize how that'd feel.

squids and roaches

Catching squid is really fun and relaxing

consider the following : octopus

haha, very funny, i didn't laugh

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^notice that squidposters are impulsive and rude

octopus posters dont engage in this behavior

>heartless creatures.
Actually they have three hearts

You idiot. You absolute fucking mong. Kill yourself you retarded queer.
That's a cuttlefish.

Nice squid

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i like squids, they're delicious

Great and wholesome thread, OP.

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When a squid is lonely do all three of its hearts hurt?

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Have you considered getting a pet squid? They're very intelligent and make great companions.