/qtddtot/ Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

I started SS this week and am only at the gym for about 20 minutes. Is this an issue?

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Does creatine really make it that much easier to put on muscle? Or is it about the same as long as im still in a surplus

I'm 20yo 190, 77kg, have been going to the gym for a tad more than 2 months and I can barely squat a plate while having big legs. 45/65/65/75 are my lifts in kg 3x5, how to squat more

I've never done starting strength but if you're doing 20 minute workouts you probably are during something wrong

Yeah. Are you sore?

Can I make muscle gains while eating at a deficit if I still consume 1g protein per lb of lean bodyweight?

The whole program is just not enough volume IMO.

SL has a little bit more

No not at all. Keep in mind I've been doing stronglifts the 2 months leading up to this. I never was in the gym very long for that either

I don't have experience with either. But regardless if you aren't getting some kind of hypertrophy I would check the routine

how much of a responder you are to creatine is a personal thing, some people are hyper-responders, a few are non responders

Basically there's two levels of positive effect

1) Strength gains, these are subtle but noticeable.
2) Motivation because your muscles are swollen up with water and you look more jacked

All in all it's worth taking creatine. It's cheap as fuck and side effect free (only one flawed study about hair loss, no idea what the mechanism of action for that would even be) and it's not like being on gear or anything but for most people the difference is worth it over time.

eat more, sleep well and follow a linear progression program consistently

there's no magic formula

What the fuck does this shit even mean?

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What is the best thing to overdose? I wanna end it all

Looks like I may not be resting enough between sets, I've been sticking to 90 seconds rests religiously. Probably why I stalled in weight on SL

>upperbody of a buck
>hips and thighs of a fucking pregnant woman
dudes what the fuck do I do here.

How do I get my endorphins up when running?

Watch videos on form. Shits more complicated then just squat or just bench bro lolz

Also fuck starting strength, do push/pull/legs

Make sure you're starting at a level where you feel resistance...not not at very beginning (ex: just the barbell without any plates.)

I want to try a kettlebell routine, I've done very little lifting before as I'm too much of a poorfag to afford the gym out in the boonies. Would kettlebells be a good choice?


I eat around 3500 hitting 150--- protein and follow linear progression, but can't say the same about my sleep, is it that important? I have a good sleep schedule, but I can't fall asleep and just lie there for 5 hours and then get 3-4 hrs of sleep, also I always wake up all in sweat

It can damage your kidneys, but that's only if you don't drink enough water on a daily basis. As long as you stay hydrated, you'll have no issues with creatine. Sorry for nitpicking btw

you're a woman user

I have a small home gym, I've got a set of dumbbells that range from like 10-45 pounds, an ab wheel, and a set of staging from a piece of scaffolding for OHP. Can you guys recommend a routine? I'd make my own thread, but some fag from Zig Forums has me rangebanned

plz respond anons

>do squats once a week
>quads blow up and are huge now
>do bench twice to three times a week
>chest has barely grown
what the fuck am i doing wrong? i do basic barbell bench, dumbbell flys and push ups.

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Idk for me, cable flies is what actually jump started my chest. Dumbbell flies did fucking shit, but I haven’t tried the verison where you use large weights but lay down on the ground

Any sex tips? I wanna min max. I don't last very long at the moment, make my girl cum from eating pussy before we get to penetration. Don't start that until she's moister than an oyster. Supplements and techniques welcome

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>cable flies is what actually jump started my chest.
I'll have to try that once my gym fucking opens back up. Thank god I started a minimal home gym before this whole corona bullshit.
>where you use large weights but lay down on the ground
Just bench but on the floor? I've tried it but it just seems to work my triceps.

Is 5min rest between sets too long?

How to fix user?

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Work out your PC muscle. You know when you go to stop your piss stream, the muscle you flex? Do that flex in sets throughout the day and build up how long you can hold it for over time. Eventually it will let you shoot loads far and make you able to hold your nut in by force. I've gone for 35 minutes with my gf through the power of just flexing to hold my cum in, which makes it feelgoodman when you finally do.

Also drink a ton of water and supp zinc. Other than that, stuff like masturbating before sex or practicing edging can help, or even training in meditation to get your mind under control even when you're in beast mode while smashing, but anything other than that is mostly all bs as far as I know. Give her a super charged NUT BLAST in user's name for this advice.

If I feel like I’m gonna bust too early I’ll throw on a condom and then I can fuck for hours

that looks like a fucking activated behelit