I could taste victory, if only for a fleeting 40 minutes

I could taste victory, if only for a fleeting 40 minutes

Attached: Screenshot_20200702-132527_WhatsApp.jpg (1080x597, 298.65K)

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how old are you? just wait till you're 21-22 and you'll fuck, you will even wonder 'how on earth did I do it?'

That's not how that works. NTA but I'm 27 and still a virgin.

Yeah maybe if you are a normie. That doesn't happen for most of us here.

t. 34 year old virgin

I have always been an absolute loser, it happened because I couldn't afford my own place therefore I had to share the place with a few people.

what the fuck does that even mean, if 'not together'?
was (s)he just telling you to go outside and run then?

>oh not together
FUCK. Man people are so fucking rough with eachother. Bitch couldn't even entertain it for a second.


She meant together at first but then she didn't like something about how OP replied so she retconned it
Or she's being a dick on purpose

....Is she autistic? What the fuck kind of question was that if she was going to say that anyway? is there any helpful context?

You did nothing wrong she's a bitch

OP post the rest of your chat

aw im sorry op
you sounded pretty happy there

I've known girls who do that. It's so they can bait out a response they can screenshot and share with their friends or online.

Honestly OP seems more autistic here : why would you instantly ask if she wants to invite him, even if this is his first assumption, why answer like an overexcited kid instead of giving a more reserved answer ?

This, but it's also a shit test desu. She may have genuinely been interested but left it ambiguous enough to take back. Unfortunately for OP, he responded like a sperg and she dried up.
Always assume your conversations are being shared if you're talking to a girl. And always assume you're being judged under a much harsher lens than you'd judge them.

Rest of chat

Attached: Screenshot_20200702-132546_WhatsApp.jpg (1080x865, 415.53K)


Alone with Chad yes

just saying what happened to me... but you know those days I had moved to another country so I was out of my comfort zone and today I wouldn't be able to do it again

shouldve just answered the question with yes or no. assuming shes inviting you was a mistake

But I bet she takes the common trails full of other normalfaggots. Don't bother with this whore

time to drop her

Yeah right I had to pay for a whore at 24. Fuck you.

The absolute state of dating/socializing.

Women like this should unironically get COVID and die.

yo op, it'd be cool if you never spoke to her again. and dont tell her

You didn't say anything wrong or awkward it just looks like a normal mishap

The greatest injustice is that women are less susceptible to it AND die at lower rates when they do get infected.

Men are literally second class citizens.

>Men are literally second class citizens.
the patriarchy has oppressed women far too long. covid-19 doesn't make up for that by any means, but it's a start.

Jesus fuck. How? How does this happen? You just never push your own boundaries? Is it a religious thing? I could get if you were like disfigured. But then theres disfigured women too.

lol, don't be so thirsty next time

You will have better luck on Grindr and actually get TOPPED