Make your choice.
Make your choice
didnt read but easily gooby
You're missing like half of them, I distinctly remember a larger pic with Grizzly, Piana, Cavaliere, and some other guy
My answer's still Zyzz tho
Zyzz is pretty based but I gotta go with Scooby on this one.
>tfw no 7/10 gf who loves you unconditionally
Feels bad man.
Scooby is the only correct answer. Every other path is retarded, specially Seid’s.
no challenge
wasn't there an edit where you have to be scooby's sidepiece?
path of zyzz for me bros
Scooby is objectively the best choice but I'm not natty...
scooby. no one reasonable will pick anyone else.
Rippetoe, every other choice is wrong and gay
Scooby every time brother
Scooby easily. Just seems like the best all-around most satisfying life
Zyzz would be solid if I were suicidal and didn't want to live long anyway
Rippetoe's pretty based, too, but I'd want more fulfillment in life than stronk
Seid is trash tier
Seid, got to go with the devil you know.
Australian here who literally raves and smokes at Sydney Showground. Zyzz for sure I'm literally standing where he stood.
Rip for me. Fuck women I want to throw cars
Zyzz. The flame that burns brightest burns quicker
scooby is gay dipshit
>My answer's still Zyzz tho
This is even a choice ? Scooby
piana didnt have any synthol did he?
I thought he was just on gear
why does scooby's one have no downside? the others do. so obviously i'd choose scooby
A tear fell form my eye while reading this. How long has ir been? 8 years?
look at his arms, they scream synthol. massive, sorta bloated and round and out of proportion to the rest of him. admittedly he did 8 hour arm days and other crazy shit and his lifelong goal was to have the biggest arms EVER WHATEVER IT TAKES
I thought that was just because he was roided to the gills
You're forgetting that Scooby pounds you every night for a decade
Wouldn't even care.
it is not disclosed but you will have to serve him sexually
Yeah Scooby path just have benefits, is basically unfair with the other guys.