>tfw too self conscious to train legs in the gym
Tfw too self conscious to train legs in the gym
Just start squatting
Sorry ma am but my legs arent 50% fat, Im a man.
Nobody cares about you, nobody even knows your name at the gym, you don't even talk to any of em inside, and you never see with them outside the gym.
Grow a pair.
just do squats, leg press and whatever meme machines your gym has. legs are the easiest thing to grow by a distance and you look ridiculous having a decent upper body and no legs
I thought the one on the left was a dude
I already run
squats are fun when you get the movement down bro, u can do it
Yeah running will get you big legs, just like how only doing push ups will get you a big chest. Get under the bar and squat
so if i run, do push ups, and use the bar i will get big arm big leg big chest?
Okay I understand only running is not gonna make big legs at all, but where is the problem with pushups?
someone give me a good leg day routine
Kek literally me on the right. No lifting just jogging and /walker/. Never had any problems with women
Plug sqauts x F x F sets
Why the put man pic on the left? Is this sarcastic faggot meme or what? genuinely don't get it
>not the most known guy in the gym
Heavy squats 3x5
Hip thrust 3x8
Romanian deadlift 3x8
Leg press 3x10
And if you're a real fag you can throw in some lunges at the end
If you can't rep out 3 plates for 5 on squats and 4 on the deadlift, you shouldn't even be doing a hip thrust.
I forgot to mention, i'd rather have him do power cleans instead of romanians, and do calf raises on a machine or leg press.
3x5 squats 3 times a week, add 2.5 kg every session. If you stall (ie fail to progress 3 sessions in a row) drop the weight to 80% and do 3x6, then progress the same way
I always recommend hip thrusts because no one ever uses their glutes in squats. It helps to address that issue
Yeah cleans instead of romanians is good
Calf raises seem like a waste of time for the majority
>where is the problem with pushups?
Nothing if you can't even bench 1pl8, but when you can do 50+ reps of something it's not heavy enough to cause much strength or hypertrophy adaptation.
what if i am 96kg (211lbs), are pushups good then ?
>Guys want her built likes this...
Just not fat, please bitch you don't need to snack all day
This doesn't even make sence.
Girls wany a guy with a big dick but they don'y even have one at all!
how do I train calves lads
>I always recommend hip thrusts because no one ever uses their glutes in squats. It helps to address that issue
That's the thing tho. I believe if you start hip thrusting as a novice, while your squatting half a plate to one, so 60kg, your ass will be overdeveloped by the time you reach 3 plates.
That's my opinion tho.
I mean, there is a thing as too much ass, right guys?
>Calf raises seem like a waste of time for the majority
Before my gym got covid'd I used two calf machines, my calves became bigger and more muscular than before. And it looked decent with my upper legs. I never tried to do calf raises on a leg press. Would love to try em.
Many such cases! Sad!
smith machine + smal stool
It's worth the extra glute development for injury prevention I think. 3 plates sitting on the bones of some skinny lanklet after 6 months of lifting is a recipe for disaster.
Good for you for finding something that works for your calves, not many do
How many can you do? More than 20 reps of anything is basically cardio and does not build mass