
Get plastic surgery, roid, get a hair transplant, new teeth, whatever you have to. Life is too short to be ugly.

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I thought shower and haircut were enough

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>cursing your children with bad genetics

just be confident

You have a lot to learn about life.

I can only Imagine what it feels like to have manlet features. small muscles, small penis, small jaw. Good thing I dont. Remember that your imperfections make you perfect

he still looks like 85 IQ

He should also get a nose job

>just be confident

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negative IQ argument

>Life is too short to be ugly
But user Im already beautiful

shut up korean with your fixiation on surgery.
you are LITERALLY changing yourself for the benefit of other people to enjoy. you are SO addicted to porn that you want to make your existence important to the onlookers and not to yourself

I am saving for Flange transplant we're all gonna make it bros

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just take a shower bro ahah just be urself haha

>t. gave up and convinced himself it was choice and he's enlightened

>you are LITERALLY changing yourself for your own benefit
Yeah, surgery confirmed as based.

This is what no pussy does to someone. Don't end up like this user, get that jaw implant.

Ironically life becomes shorter with roids

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lmao keep mewing and squinting incel. maybe in 3 years after you afford your retarded surgery you'll realize that your entire upbringing is why you're unsuccessful and it's not wholely your looks, but your entire attitude with the world AMPLIFIED with your bad looks

>I must coom inside a humid hole otherwise my value as a person is negated!
Imagine being such a bugman lmao

You sound really stupid and quite possibly mentally ill, so I'm going to let you carry on with whatever delusions you need to have in order to function. Good day.


says the tranny who thinks surgeries will turn him into something he's not ahahaha

>I'm too enlightened to have sex!

>If I coom inside the humid hole of an attractive female my quality of life will rise

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>they let women tie their entire value as a man to their ability to service a woman

>they understand that women prefer to be fucked by attractive males rather than chinless subhumans

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Tell us where your "value as a man" comes from.

still a beaner

better stick to the pua scripts before they see through the fake jaw and social rehearsals you've spent so much money on and tried so hard on hahahah.
dude i have experience with fags like you and of the 5% of fags in your situation that even get close to their original goals, almost ALL of them have some sort of retarded existential crisis because they realize how fucked internally they are, and they find the next fucking thing in their life to blame their misery on. buying penis pumps, buying cialis, buying all sorts of fucking stupid shit instead of just having a less incel retarded vision of the world FUCK youre in for a treat


The divine spark God planted in you, you subhuman coomer

rather be on a natural high than a porn addict normie thinking surgery is his way out

>NEVER actually fix your hooked nose and subhuman chin bro. Do NoFap, cold showers, LARP as a stoic on Zig Forums, but NEVER give 5000 bucks to a surgeon to actually become good-looking bro

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>neckpill is real to train neck?


get off the internet retard and fix your life

After all your surgery shit, you will still feel empty inside. You will look at your perfect face in the mirror, you will see the superficial whore next to you in your bed, but it won't be enough. And at that moment you will realized you should have cherished your Soul instead

I unironically dont want to get rid of my hooked nose lol,people have complimented it and I like it also.
Granted its not big ofc.

it's fucking funny seeing how detached from reality people like you are. like you think that any of those retarded strawmans are arguments i hold.
you dont know what people act like outside of a computer god fucking damn dude sorry man.
im sorry for challenging your flawless approach to life that if only you had a more perfect jaw you wouldn't have developed into the thing you are today.
the MOMENT you get a new jaw your life is going to turn around instantly, just like the moment a 25 year old man starts HRT to become a woman. the MOMENT that surgery happens, THEN you get to be on an eternal happiness high with none of your current preoccupations or anxieties


>you will still feel empty inside bro. Trust me, looks don't mean much

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absolute faggot lol

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what do you think a tranny who passes 100% of the time feels like on the inside?


That's definitely not how the user who wrote that looks like lmao

It's more of a case of a virgin who needs to convince himself that sex is "not a big deal" and so on. Many such cases.

Looks are the most important thing for worldly success, I will not deny that and blackpillers are right about how every social interraction is rigged by look. But there is more to life than being a social animal, and I would appreciate if blackpilled incels could recognize their inner divine nature. Unfortunately they are stuck in a materialist view of wanting to bang meaningless sluts as some kind of achievement

Tell me how I'm wrong, beside screaming muh virgin cope