Why must the thots shame us for crying
Why must the thots shame us for crying
what do you get out of crying? women cry, babies cry, animals cry because they want something, and need people to see that they want it. there is no need to cry. quit being a bitch and push onward, towards your goals. crying is unnecessary.
>just don't have feelings bro
I'm not a worthless chink insectoid
Trip fag get out
Because for most of their lives, women are just told what emotion they should be having and copy that for empathy camouflage. They do not emit genuine emotion until they have children of their own.
difference between actual feelings and performative vulnerability. crying is an evolutionary trait to give creatures a cute and weak appearance, giving them an advantage as stronger creatures will likely take them under their wing. you're my bitch, boy
>no actual counterargument, just posts a fucking frog
>you're my bitch too, boy
There is nothing to gain from crying
Nothing will happen if you cry
Nothing will change if you cry
There is not a damn thing you feel if you cry
Utterly worthless...
>T. Dad always beat me when I cried.
You get to cry during your father's death and your first son's birth.
What else is worth crying about?
Your mother's death, the death of any loved one or immediate family, your dog dying, your first breakup, the breakup with the one you thought was the one, your best friend dying to cancer
>your dog
>to appear weaker
You dont cry in public you fucking retard
>has never known the comfort that man's best friend may bring, the sense of security and trust you have in a canine companion
Meant for
t. Ahmed
never in my life have i cried in private. when i was little and even growing up as a kid i would cry because i was not granted something, be it a toy, or even a privilege. i have never felt the need to cry in private, because crying won't solve whatever problem tyou have. you can cope and cry all you want, but at the end of the day nothing is going to change if you don't push onward. you, too, are my bitch, boy.
>mad max
>call of the wild
but you've probably only had the small fat lazy pieces of shit that don't do anything. even those have their charm, sure, but please get a real dog before you go commenting that stupid shit, and now you're my bitch too.
you are a bug
Why does everyone here cries when they are sad? I just get sulky but i can't get tears out of my eyes.
I'm able to cry only when i'm extemely enraged and even then i still try to hide it by doing it privately
Based, cry literally gets you no where
It's ok to cry, just don't do it in front of women
>Muh doggo borker floof mlem
>Unironically lists consoomshit as a justification for partaking in reddit culture
You couldn't be any more of a stereotype
right, chang here cant have any compassion for his dinner
>Consoomer npc has an opinion
U come up as an insecure larping faggot, you wouldnt cry if your parent died too? Fucking larping piece of shit you literally have never suffered in your life.
do these fuckers look cute and fluffy to you? having a tough ass dog by your side is the exact opposite of "reddit culture"
back to Zig Forums chuddy this board is for grown ups