Shill me your best supplements and why I should take them
What are your essentials that have genuinely helped you health-wise?
Shill me your best supplements and why I should take them
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>nipple eyes
I love this
A good Multi & Vit D sub is all you really need for general health. Everything else you can get from a balanced diet.
Cringe coomer, fuck off with your pictures.
Based boobaposter.
And to answer you anyway, most supplements are useless, EXCEPT if you have a deficiency. But if you eat good stuff, you shouldn't have deficiencies anyway.
Take D3 if you are not often in the sun, take fish oil because it's always good, take protein and /or creatin if you want quicker gains, and that's it.
Go to to see the details about all supplements.
True but getting a balanced diet with all the necessary vitamins and antioxidants and whatnot can be hard when you are on a specific weightlifting diet like if you are cutting and can only consume less than 2000 calories a day and most of that has to be protein oriented food to meet your daily protein needs within the calorie restriction
Like I eat a lot of salmon but I also take fish oil pills because the amount of salmon I eat still isn’t close to how much OMEGA 3 you get from fish oil pills
What about other stuff, like say apple cider vinegar for the skin and immune system benefits, stuff like that that you wouldn’t normally think of
Greek yogurt for the gut health benefits, etc.
You're not citing supplements, you're citing aliments.
Yes you should eat fermented stuff, like cheeses, yogurts, all that stuff.
Eat a lot of red meat for vitamins.
Eat eggs for protein.
Drink milk for vitamins.
If you want a quick overboost of vitamins, eat beef liver, it's a superfood.
Some fruits and vegetables if you want too. Don't go too heavy on fruits though, eating 10 bananas is just useless and full of sugar.
She has terrible, terrible fingers and fingernails.
It's not even something she can change, she has very small fingers like a hobbit, and very small fingernails, she even seems to have a case of thumbtoes.
I do not care how attractive she is otherwise, as a chirophile, I honestly would reject her based solely on her hands.
2/10, would not have sex with even if she wore gloves, just knowing is bad enough.
You’re right but like I said in my other post it’s difficult to get all those foods in one day especially if you’re cutting
Not to mention the short shelf life of fruit and certain meats, the preparation time it takes for all of those different foods and so on
Supplements are a scam. If you take one you will have to take all of em.
For optimal health, you need to kill the animal yourself in the most brutal way you can. Its adrenaline pumping into his system will make it tastier and more nutritious. Its a scientific fact.
>5000 iu d3 with 180mcg mk-7
Twice a day (3x in the winter months). Vitamin D is associated with proper hormone regulation, including test, as well as a potential treatment for mild forms of depression. D3 has several other benefits including better mineralization of bone by improving calcium absorption. K2 (MK-7) is a form of vitamin K that aids in absorption of D3, so it works in synergistic effect.
4.5g per day (6 caps of 750mg). Improves NO in the blood meaning better pumps, potentially better intraworkout recovery, and is basically OTC cialis. More effective than supplementing l-arginine since citrulline is converted to arginine in the body while arginine itself does not necessarily improve blood levels of arginine.
1200mg/day. Associated with improved hormone levels as it acts as a non-neurotransmitter anxiolytic. Better controls cortisol production which can inhibit testosterone.
3g/day. Also associated with improved hormonal profile. Be sure to get gelatinized form as the raw forms can be hard on the stomach.
Formulations will vary, but you will want better absorbed forms of zinc and magnesium that has at least 400mg mag. Improved sleep and immune function as well as (of course) hormone production. Taken before bed, it can induce sleep easier without making one drowsy like diphenhydramine or other prescription sleep aids.
100mg/day (taken at night). Amino acid found in teas that is associated with a calming effect. Useful for further getting to sleep.
>yohimbine hcl
0.2mg/kg bodyweight. Alpha-2 agonist which helps the body more easily reduce stubborn body fat (lower belly fat has more alpha receptors than beta, meaning agonists encourage your hormones to kick that fat out). Also associated with higher libido and energy as a stimulant. Take while in a fasted state (at least upon waking up before breakfast) and do not eat for 3 hours after.
>You’re right but like I said in my other post it’s difficult to get all those foods in one day especially if you’re cutting
Eat beef with eggs, liver beef once a week, some cheese for desert.
You'll lack nothing.
>Not to mention the short shelf life of fruit and certain meats, the preparation time it takes for all of those different foods and so on
In a freezer, beef can be kept basically forever. And to cook it, just throw it on a pan two minutes both sides. Come on now.
Forgot to add
Thank you very informative
I heard you can overdose on vitamin d if you take 5000 iu d3 too often
>I heard you can overdose on vitamin d if you take 5000 iu d3 too often
lion mane
maca root
rhodiola rosea
phenibut gives nightmare depression and withdrawals for me 2 days after i take it or stop taking it
I’m with user on this one, she’s hot
How often were you taking it? You aren't really supposed to take it more than twice a week
just once a week for about 7 times. It took a while but I unironically had some stranger at a front desk remark about how sad I looked that morning. i can't do benzos or anything anti-anxiety it fucks me over too badly when im not on it
Your body can produce upwards of 40k iu from a single day out at the beach. Oral doses of d3 are only a concern if you have prior liver problems.
Youre gonna want to drink 2 parts hydrogen for every part oxygen, shits pretty good for you
i think im gonna give it a try to ksm-66
Do any anons take beta carotene?
How long do I need to take it before start turning orange?
Real food
vit d during the winter
thats bout it
A balanced diet of whole foods.
Do you have a preferred yohimbine supplement?
i'm a president btw if that matters
>Shill me your best supplements
none, invest in quality food instead, retard