First day of doing athlean x's AX1 program. Push day.
>Spiderman crawls
>Neutral grip alternating arms bench press

I don't even feel my chest worked as much as with just one set of regular bench press

I don't really feel my chest at all
Triceps and shoulders do most of the work his way

I should have believed you bros.. Wasted money

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starting strength
also coffee is good for you and tasty

lol athlean x is just random exercise with no real goal. Do SS or SL if you're a beginner

>starting strength

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What's wrong with SS?

hello athlean here from ATHLEAN-X fitness , thanks for your review ATHLEAN-X will look in to it and will try to fullfill your expectation
btw dont forget to like , share and subscribe for more future contents also buy those sick ass fitness pdf files

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god im horny whats the sauce of your pic i want to jack off instead of lifting today

post body
Never heard a legit criticism of starting strength. It's always 'durr fat' or 'durr t rex mode', both of which have nothing to do with the actual program

post body
actually a lot of things but being a basedjak poster the user that you're replying to is a fat fuck that has no clue

>Paying for programming

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There really is no valid criticism of starting strength since it's a beginner strength program. If your goal is strength, you really can't go wrong. If your goal is aesthetics in a smaller timeframe then it just doesn't have the volume, especially for people who just want to look good after they lose weight.

Starting strength works if you do it correctly and not forever

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ur not gonna get into google with that attitude

Why can't I do it forever

Okay, I'm starting to get frustrated. This isn't me joking. Can we bring a rule about that "coomerbait" is a bannable offense on this board? It's such a problem and I don't know if it's due to Zig Forums leaking through or the normie infiltration, but I'm not here to look at porn and this [IS] a blue board. For all the stupid things one could be banned for, could this be ammended? It's slowly making the website and board WORSE. Further, some od the current bannable offenses such as chronic shitposting could be argued are actually healthy for the website's traffic and continuation, yet this is allowed? I'm getting tired of this.

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I would pay to cave her head in with a crowbar

honestly not much it's a good beginner program, just dont get sucked into the permafat cult

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Funny, because I remember one of Jeff's videos said that bench DOESN'T work the chest very much at all. He recommended doing cable flys, cable crossovers, and incline press. But his actual programming is a P90X-tier pushup and bench press? Hilarious.

now you see why these spammers need to be banned and how janitor does nothing

Leak it all now so we can laugh together

Be quiet incel.

cause the set and rep programing won't work as you progress
Also you need to do hypertrophy blocks to break up pure strength blocks
progression won't last indefinitely

I posted a lot about actual fitness related content with matching images or just random sfw images. I get like 3 replies if any at all, while lookism and coom threads get 40 replies in no time. Fix the community and things will change.

the sight of real women scares you? fuck off tranny

How do you train your head?


so fucking tired of it too

I agree with you but as with all things, there must be a leader to create rhe example community. In this case, the Janitors and/or Mods must delete coomerbait images, and leave the content posted if it's suitable.
Go back to r*ddit. Nothing scares me, not even your belittling. You are an ant and I have RAID!. Fitness board should be fitness related. If you have a chronic masturbation addiction, you need to wait 5 years to post here or you're on the wrong board.

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shut the fuck up you newfag

this is the only thing you will ever need

the axes are reversed

you PAID for a program? ahadsfkgjhlsdfkjhgslkjdhfgslkdjfhnvb54p908owıuetrgojhdflkjhngbgjkhsglksdjh the best shit i read today

Kate kuray

yes I "paid"