>be me, 22
>get into IT
>can't hold a job down
>4th IT job now
>got fired 3 months ago because of covid
>can't find a job to save my life because of being a brainlet
Is suicide the only option? I have no friends for connections. No way in hell am I going to find a job after being inactive for 3 months + with me being a massive fucking retard and not doing anything productive in these 3 months.
Be me, 22
>be me, 20
>No way in hell am I going to find a job after being inactive for 3 months
Bruh I got a job last year after being a NEET since 2011. 3 months aint shit.
>can't hold a job down
Why not?
how did you get your other IT jobs and why did you get fired? is it comfy?
Why did you get fired on those IT jobs nigga?
It's because i'm a fucking brainlet and none of the information i get sticks with me, that's why i get fired. I'm incompetent and too dumb. I got my other IT jobs by sheer luck, nothing else.
fuck man i have a decent resume and i don't even get a reply back from employers. meanwhile you get a million chances. what city do you live in?
Boo fucking hoo, that's why Indians do your job for a tenth of the wage. You're just worthless.
Just knock on their door, give a firm handshake and you're set. How hard can it be to get a job LOL
I live in the Netherlands.
based and boomerpilled
not oregano
Hey bro, I worked in IT and there are sooooooo many brainlets fucking killing it.
1 Move at your own pace.
2 Just be confident,
if you manage to act confident in front of the people you are servicing, you have done your job. Even if you have no fucking clue what you are doing. I have worked with middle age men with no idea how to do much other than change passwords and look things up on google. Fortunately if you are helpdesk this is your entire job besides the looking confident. In the 2% of the time that isnt good enough, make friends with the competent people on your team, and then ask them for help. If they are your friends they will not give a shit if you are a brainlet and you can lean on them
>1 Move at your own pace.
>2 Just be confident,
I would add a third
3. Have a firm handshake
>>get into IT
>>can't hold a job down
th IT job now
Is the real reason because you are terrible? I am on my third IT job, been in the game for 4 years and make 100k doing networking, because I am actually good at computer, not "good with computers because I spent all my childhood playing games and therefore MUST automatically be good at IT despite being a cum guzzling faggot" like you.
what are some comfy high paying IT jobs? I work in sales and I hate it.
>Is the real reason because you are terrible
Yes, i just said i was a brainlet. Comes down to the same thing.
Thats not really how it works, you have to start at the bottom in IT and work your way up. You will get a good feel for what you could do in the higher paying IT realm when you get experience working in helpdesky jobs or getting certified.
git gud nigger
Find a place with a bunch of milfs and whenever a problem shows up download acrobat or say it was a virus
There was a greentext about that
What do you mean move at your own pace? People would much rather dehire students who just came fresh off of school rather than someone who finished school a while back and can't hold down a job. And even if there's a chance someone does want me for a job interview? What the fuck do i say to not being active for 3 months?
Meant hire.
Who gives a fuck if they want students, I would wager by left testicle that my last it manager would have replaced our entire department with 19 yo curvy ladies if they could troubleshoot in windows. Move at your own pace and dont let people push you around, that is beta shit.
whats the bottom then. i'm already there in sales anyway
Helpdesk is the lowest tier that you have a track to improve on. Call center is something you want to avoid. Working with multiple it departments and learning about operations/networking/system administration/dpt management/infrastructure are things you want to be exposed to during your work, they will help you plan which certs you want to study for
anything i should know before doing helpdesk?
don't kill yourself. you live in the greatest country in the world
Get a job at a nice place. Like a library, university, museum, etc. These places all have some level of infrastructure, but some might be looking for a more experienced person for helpdesk (especially if they have a smaller it department) so aim for a bigger department if you are uncomfortable handling issues independently, or wlrk at a bigger place for a few months to get a feel for what helpdesk is like before moving to a more quiet place. Moving to a quieter place is a good idea because you will have much more energy to work on certs when you arnt grinding your ass off all day.
I think there's hope man. I frequently call the IT support for my employer, usually end up talking to the same guy(I usually call on Sundays and I think he's the only one in the office that day). The guys is always polite and listens to the problem were having. Truth is, I don't think he can really fix things. He always just accesses our terminals and searches through the folders a little before saying, "Try rebooting your server, that should apply the changes." Then we call back on Monday and have somebody else fix it. The guy has probably been doing this for years.
Thanks for the advice. I have a coding background and know some basic linux commands. Any avenue I can pursue with these skills that will lead to a comfy job?
If you have a coding background why do you want to do IT? Coding doesnt really translate in most cases unless your developing IT software like configuration management, server provisionment, or other backend operations stuff, or developing for the companies that make those tools, if you have a coding background lean on that instead of getting too caught up in certs (but some of the above do have certs associated with them)
Coding is not comfy at all.
Linux is way more important than the coding, and a lot of IT jobs are not comfy, and you might have to build experience in a stressful place before you are valuable enough to be hired in a nice place (and get decent pay) but idk your experience amd you could get lucky.