How do I become a real hikimori? Not a causal neet I am talking real 100% loser. Do I have to move to a certain country? Should I prepare for a few months then start?
How do I become a real hikimori? Not a causal neet I am talking real 100% loser. Do I have to move to a certain country...
Fuck I made a typo
just never leave your house. simple as
It seems a lot more complex, mainly how the fuck am I supposed to get money?
hikkis and neets leech off their parents or the government for money by finessing the system to live that life
Needed to be born in Japan m8
Theres a reason it has an actual term in Japanese and no other language
If you're not already leeching every cent off your aging and destitute mother then you're never going to make it. Don't bother asking your father, if you have one of those you're never going to be a hikki
Ill move. Not like I will need very good Japanese anyway
Mfw when my mom is only 20 years older than me. At least when my grandpa kicks the bucket hes giving me a few houses he rents out. I could probably sell them all for at least 800K then I think i will be fine for a while
>he thinks gaijin can be hiki
Real Hikikomori have no qualms about leeching money from anyone they can. I think most Japanese parents are happy paying for their failed child to isolate and never show their face for as long as they live. At least then they can pretend their child died, rather than becoming a failed specimen
Fuck off Im Vietnamese
It is a curse why would anyone want to become like this?
>if you have a father you are never going to be a hikki
this is an absolute truth
I just realized this guy is Vietnamese.
Which part of "having JAPANESE parents to leach of" do you not understand?
why not just keep renting them? grandpa's kicking the bucket but not his tenants.
Not him but I don't get it. Why do you and your parents have to be japanese for it to count? I mean statistically japan has so many spineless people that japanese parents tend to let their children do whatever, but it can technically happen in any other country too.
try gambling or stocks if you don't get neetbux
How the hell do Japanese hikis afford to live??
Shut-in has existed in English for quite a while.
Move in with your parents and leech of their food etc. You must also never leave your house
I mean, some parents do everything they can to keep you from growing up and becoming an adult. I don't see the issue with being a "leech" when they're degenerate garbage.
you either is or isn't.
true hikkis don't make an effort, it comes naturally.
>>if you have a father you are never going to be a hikki
do you have a father present in your household? if you do you will understand why
I don't understand.
t. hikki who has a father present
No but if i did i wouldn't have to listen to him and his slavery bs
>Move to a city like NY
>Get neetbux
>mfw I realize syd barrett was a hikki
i am and i hate myself everyday
i wish i could kill myself