Hello, talk about your problems here or what you have been doing recently. Tell me what has been on your mind. Talk to others about their problems. Let's be frens.
I recently starting working out at home since im too insecure to go to the gym. Also been dieting and only drink water now. Been going for about a month.
My problem is that I'm very bored and would like to do things but feel like all eyes are on me when I'm outside alone or with friends. In some cases I really do catch people staring at me. I wonder why.
Message here if you want to talk in private. Devrim#5553
Blake Wilson
>I recently starting working out at home since im too insecure to go to the gym. >Also been dieting and only drink water now. >Been going for about a month. Don't stop user. This is very good and if you keep going and continue to try to branch out life can (hopefully, I wouldn't know lol) get better.
Recently I have been trying to look for an interested programming project, the problem is that I find I have no interest in any projects. I really don't know what to do, so I have been just looking around online for projects.
Dominic Long
hey fren i fucked up my sleep schedule and i haven't seen daylight in like 3 weeks what do?
Elijah Rogers
Well where to begin... I havnt' had a conversation since April, havn't left my house since February and havnt had a god damned slice of pizza since January. My cavities have gotten really bad and I'm running out of piss bottles. I really really wish someone would help me get back to a city, I would pay them if I could get to the bank I have thousands of dollars but no cash on me. I just want an xtra large pepperoni pizza and a joint... OH! and a dentist!!
Aaron Martinez
Late reply I was replacing a guitar string.
Keep looking for project or make up a completely stupid project to enjoy for yourself maybe?
Stay up all night and day and sleep at around 12 midnight. From there try to go to bed at normal times.
Can't you just access your band account online?
Easton Walker
>make up a completely stupid project to enjoy for yourself maybe Done this before, never finish it. Thanks for the suggestion though. The main issue is that I never feel like I am actively enjoying programming. I just don't know where I derive satisfaction while doing it. I know this sounds weird, but how exactly do I change this? Are the activities that fire off my enjoyment neurons (idfk what they are called) decided at birth or during childhood? Is it possible to mold what I enjoy beyond the age of 20? Will exercise allow me to enjoy vidya and programming again?
Apologies for the long list of questions, but if someone has an answer to any of these/thinks some professional may know the answer it would be greatly appreciated.
user dental health, for your own sake, should be kept in check my man.
Caleb Cox
Maybe programming isnt for you friend. Or maybe you need to mix it with something you do enjoy doing and see if you can make something out of it. I find that being creative with the things I like makes me enjoy things more.
Adam Wright
>Maybe programming isnt for you friend. I'm starting to think that as well, but I feel like I have dedicated so much, including my education to a decent degree, to programming. I have experience in trades due to experience in high school (plumbing, construction, electrician, dry walling) none of it appealed to me. The only thing I can think of trying is art of some form, which I am not entirely averse to but if I end up dedicating all of my time to drawing it could impede on my development as a programmer assuming I remain with programming as a profession. The problem is that I can't pull out of school, it's just financially not viable as I'm 30k in and have virtually no familial support. School is entirely on loans and grants. So ideally I can make programming my preferred hobby, however I don't know how/if that works.
>Or maybe you need to mix it with something you do enjoy I hardly enjoy even vidya anymore. To my own astonishment, I feel like there is nothing I can retreat to in order to feel happy.
Brandon Flores
Maybe try doing something with art in your free time instead if vidya since you don't seem to enjoy it as much as you used to. I have always hated going to school but every time I would finish something or be done studying I would do something I enjoy. While I studied I always looked forward to the fun I would have playing videogames after doing my work. You just gotta find something you enjoy doing after you're done with work. It would be really great if the thing you enjoy doing turns out to be something productive or something that makes you improve at something.
Liam Reyes
If your hobbies are programming and videogames and your relax time is (I suppose) netflix, tv, Zig Forums etc then I see why you're tired of it. Maybe do something that takes you away from screens. Try building something, try something like hiking or cycling), try cooking, try going for a walk around town or in the woods. Change things up.
Kayden Perry
Life is going fine but I can't ever shake that suicidal idea in my mind. My mind often drifts off to what I could do and the call of the void gets louder at times (especially on the highway). I know I probably wouldn't ever do it but it's nice to know I have the power to end it all if I choose.
John Price
Thanks anons, I'll try some cycling or walking and if that doesn't work I'll try drawing.
>can't ever shake that suicidal idea in my mind Never felt this. Maybe start looking into whether or not these thoughts naturally leave over time? At worst consider seeing a therapist perhaps? Try your best to not be discouraged user because you can still end up a happy person.
Mason Foster
I feel so unaccomplished. I don't know what I want to do. I am working on a double major in physics and engineering. 3 more years and I am done, however, there is a empty void in my soul. I don't know what to do? Can you guys wish me luck pls and maybe pray for me. Thanks
Jace Martinez
>however, there is a empty void in my soul Sounds like you need to scope in on what causes this void, user. If you lack accomplishments consider competing in something and even if you don't win take small victories until eventually you win something that you value. But what's really important is addressing the problem instead of the symptom, so make sure you know what the problem is.
Charles Wood
Thanks user. It is just, deep down I feel incompetent
Leo Taylor
Well then do something to prove your competence! Doing something new is easy, sticking with it is a bit more difficult, but succeeding is the hardest. Prove to yourself that you can do something by sticking with it until you succeed!
Ethan Morris
I will try. Thanks for the advice
Landon Martinez
still sulking over past mistakes and how much happier I would be if i didnt commit them. coping by working out alot and isolating myself. Havent talked to my friends in ages and am constantly either working out or playing vidya. I miss her alot... S if ur reading this I'm sorry, I miss you alot.
Tyler Gutierrez
how do i self improve op? sounds like you are on that path so any tips would be greatly appreciated for context i am a neet right now as i have no idea whether to do postgrad studies or get a job
Nathan Martinez
start small routine is important sleep on time brush teeth morning and before bed shower daily routines like these are good because you quickly feel better while doing them after youre used to these you branch out if its losing weight you start small again and build from there cut down on sodas get used to water if you cant drink room temp water cool it in the fridge start eating less cut portions and resist your urges
that kinda stuff is a good start again, start small and work up to bigger things
Luis Sullivan
Depressive episode while on vacation. Can't do anything I'm just sitting in my room grieving. I'm tired, I'm out of patience. I just really need to catch a break, l just need some luck. I need to breathe. I'm tired of waiting.
Camden White
you create your own chances on life go out and create some chances for yourself
Bentley Lee
Chances are about luck. You can create them but you still need some luck.
Nathaniel Morgan
Honestly looking back on how I dropped out of Culinary School at the end of last year and somewhat regretting it. On a positive note I Just finished up classes at community college back here at home not too long ago.
Sort of stuck right now with classes done. I want to go to University someday but I'm lost. I was thinking of doing either CompSci or an Animation/Illustration BFA. Any advice anons? >inb4 STEM is the only way
Also good job OP. I've actually been doing the same with my own routine.
Aiden Jackson
I know that feel right now actually. I'd say drink some coffee (black or with cream if you can stomach the bitterness, don't want to cause a sugar crash). Stay away from carbs too. Other than that just occupy your time with something that'll get your dopamine up.
Jason Cook
Someone added my discord and took back the invite. You can talk to me I don't judge.
Jace Rogers
Reposting this in case my thread gets ignored: Welp, this question has been debated a lot, but I just need to hear it for myself. I think I suffer from depression. I can go into more detail if anyone wants me to, but ultimately it's the usual stuff; no emotions, no motivation, thoughts of suicide, etc, etc...
I also know that my depression is mostly my own fault and that I should be able to improve myself on my own, but the truth is that I've been struggling with this stuff for years and I simply do not have the strength to do so. I don't think I can change unless somebody holds my hand throughout the whole process. It's pathetic, but it is what it is.
Is it worth seeing a therapist then? I live in a country where the health system is socialized, so it costs little for me to see one. The waiting times are insane however.
yeah my routine is pretty crap and sleep is something i need to fix asap so thanks for the reminder to fix that and to drink water, i always forget
what kind of workouts do you do? i get the same type of feels about being outside - also congrats on the self improvement a month doing this stuff shows youre comitted
I mean you don't sound insane and seem to be very strong being able to live with it,so you won't be put inside a mental ward or any medication. It won't hurt to try it a couple times. Try seeing a therapist 4 or 5 times to see if the talks you have with them are for you or not.
Basic home stuff. Pushups, wall sits, planking, situps etc etc Also if you start drinking more water your body gets used to it and makes you want to drink more. I drink about 3 liters (0,792 gallons) of water every day.
Alexander Allen
ah okay thank you fren. and yup will really try and remember to drink, i end up dehyrated before bedtime and then even worse when i wake up oops.