Why didn't you go for the introverted shy girl when you had the chance?

why didn't you go for the introverted shy girl when you had the chance?

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Cause they're hard to talk to

She was probably dating pedos on the internet

You're supposed to just grab them by the chin, claim them, and lead them away by the hand on a fantastical adventure. Just like out of her young adult fiction novels.

i did but i ghosted her after the date when she sent a text tried to be nice

If the introverted shy girl shied away from chads why the fuck would she want anything to do with a bottom of the barrel incel like me

cuz im so fucking retarded, had a few different opportunites for the shy introvert girl and always went with the dumb slut instead always regretted it. next girl i get is hopefully going to be shy introvert.

I tried being assertive once. It ended with a slap. Bitch slaps sting like hell :>

I dumped her and then she didn't take me back lel

I didn't go for anyone, that's the issue.

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cuz im not really so smart of a person

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That means to leave my room, go out and try to locate a shy girl, then I have to put effort and watch my moves like I'm facing a Tiger a wrong move and it all goes to hell.
So there are some problems to why I am not doing it:
>1 Have to leave room
>2 Need to find a girl(shy)
>3 Making her interested in me
>4 Finding a 19 to 21 girl who's not in a relationship is quite a hard task in those days.
>5 Too much work intro making her my gf and to suck my dick. Just spend all that time on something else like working out.

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Why didn't she go for me?

she was already dating someone with cancer

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one of the biggest red flags in the book

What does that mean though?

Because you have to literally read their minds and if she doesnt like you she will claim rape

why aren't you robots looking for the local qt fujo girl and asking her out? what's stopping you?

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She smelled like piss and hissed at people

because she smells bad.

i did she turned me down.... weirdly i have a thing for girls with her type of features.

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wouldn't the local fujo be inside her house? when is she ever leaving the house?

so do you. why not combine both your unwashed NEET musks into one superior fragrance?

sounds like you know where to find yours user. i suggest forcing your way inside at 3am when the local fujo will be awake

Christ, user, I'm eating dinner right now.

I have never met a shy girl in my life, all the girls in the school I was attending to were Stacie's fucking Chad or regular holes doing holes stuff and dating other people

cuz I'm 26 years old.

Introverted shy girls still have hordes of orbiters fighting over them.

I'm 36 and my wife is younger than you. Get your shit together, son.

they were all ugly and boring

This is the sad truth of most actual introverted girls. They're getting groomed.