Where should i direct my anger
towards jews since theyre probably ultimately responsible anyway
M-my boypussy UwU
towards yourself since you're probably ultimately responsible anyway
Anger is directed at the normalfag
I think you are supposed to channel your anger
It depends on what you're talking about. Probably at Australian intelligence.
Stop it Jewish people and black people are no the only ones who can do crime you don't know what your talking about
the kikes obviously. They destroyed the traditional family unit, destroyed the traditional job structure, and ontop of it all, gave us a bunch of niggers, spics, and mudslimes.
Direct it towards the deserving.
We call them women.
but keep stealing my shit
towards Zig Forumsfags of course and normies
Did you catch that? Are you an angler as well? I love fishing
At the weights in the gym
should i just drop out until you people are ready to talk to me?
Seconded (so much this)
Haha yeah i did. Fishing is one of the few things i really enjoy
Been doing that, i does well but i still have a deep frustration that i cant use in the gym.
I can't believe how stupid our government is
it should be called Central Dumb Fuck Agency
Based and fishingpilled. What tackle did you use to catch that?
Anger should be directed towards creation. Make a song, or a webcomc, write a book, make youtube channel. If youre angry about something, express yourself in a way that doesnt hurt others, but rather allows others to understand your feelings. You may find friends who feel exactly the same as you.
Small jiggs, my favorite kind of bait.
I can't go anywhere else because the newsletter follows wherever I go, and that's not a life I want to live
I'm like an animal at the zoo
Checking digits again
Don't leave your computer games and try at life or else the govt will kick you down, and it's not worth it. You're better off wasting your whole life.
Thanks for checking out my anonymous blog that only the Govt can spy on, you can all unsubscribe now.
>that only the Govt can spy on
And the corporations, because they think it's okay for some reason.
I pity you little faggots, truly. This place is your life, it's all you nerds will ever have.
Now go fire up your photoshop boyos.
How can I afford it though?
Oi fuck off m8
Positive discrimination, except if it's being nervous. If you're nervous we kill you.