Skelly boy cuts
Skelly boy cuts
fuck off attention seeking faggot
shallow cuts
Imagine falling for the cutting meme.
What's a non shallow cut
It's just for relieving stress
People didn't cut until about 30 years ago. It's just a meme.
>cuts hand
>no blood comes out cuz nothin in between bone and skin
Self harm has been a thing since forever user
nigga fell in a ditch again second time this month
I am genuinely interested in how this relieves stress, OP
Some of my friends/close ones have cut themselves before, eventually stopped, but still
I want to know what goes through their retarded mentally challenged mind in these moments
>inb4 larp
Your mind has to be in a bad place for this to be your only outlet
Gee... thanks...
I meant the actual fucking thought process and relief it provides, not the circumstances
Holy fuck I wanna kill myself but can't go through with it because my father (the one I care about) would literally fragment into nothing if I sudoku'd
Relief: cut myself
Most people wouldn't cut now if
a) It wasn't presented in so much mainstream media
b) They thought it was too dangerous
Since they know it isn't dangerous, yet it can bring them attention, then they find themselves able to do it. Some people genuinely do it to punish themselves. Some do it for attention. Use your own judgement.
That's it? That is literally just it?
Are you shitting me?
Fucking hell, I'd say cut an artery next time, but you wouldn't.
I do not care about you, nor your circumstances, nor your existence, I just want you to personally know you've let me down, a random person behind a computer doing nothing with his life, browsing a board where only incels and depressed loners whine, you've managed to let me down.
I was expecting something better, a greater reason, yet I get this, the usual "Waa-haa I wanna die DDD---;".
I'm legit disappointed, as much as your dad would be if you died.
As an ~8 year old I would cut myself with shaving razors lying around the bathroom. Pretty sure I did it because I liked looking at blood. Why did I?
that's it? you fucking pussy, im a girl and ve done wrose myself, i bet you use a box cutter like a kid lmao
Type correctly before insulting others.
What do you use then?
>it's just for relieving stress
This, I was feeling really shit one night a few months back and that was the only thing that helped, my mood switched completely back to normal afterwards.
cant help it, pathertic cutting. i cut for a really long time and thats just sad
went from box cutters to kitchen knives, tridd a btcher kinfe once but went to the er lol.
also op stop being a faggot. i cut for a really, really long time but recently learned it isnt worth the time and only hurt my family and my recent bf so stop, you'll go down a very dark road and you may never find the way out
Read my comment again, and notice when I said that SOME people genuinely cut themselves out of a desire to harm themselves, but NOW, its common because its become acceptable as a way of getting attention, and because it isn't really that dangerous one off, just unhealthy.
This. Also faggot.
im a girl, not a gay
Cut deeper, faggot. You are not dead yet.
Imagine investing this much emotional energy on a random person
Truly the kinder gender :)
>emotional energy
Kill yourself too, nigger.
>my bf
Get out whore. You have no idea what it's like to be a lonely male
I just like bashing random people in the middle of the night, it's my hobby instead of wanting to cut myself to relief myself because I'm the big sad D:
Also emotional energy kek
for me it was about distracting myself, i felt shit inside so feeling pain, even just a mild throb/ache, externaly for a few days would keep my mind busy enough to not think about being a sad cunt
I was alone from middle school until now, dont assume shit faggot, not even girl is a slut who paties all the time i was a khv until just friday, stilll a kv so fuck you
I mean, I'll give you that, random user, that's the kinda answer I wanted
Thank you for your point of view and may your life further on be blissful
You have no idea what loneliness is, your benign circumstance proves it.