I WILL get an Asian girlfriend, bros, right?

I WILL get an Asian girlfriend, bros, right?

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yes, if you're white.

Correct, my guy

If you are white then yes but why do you want a fucking gook.

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If you're white or Asian, yes. Anything else, give up hope. Asian women only marry high class races.

well, close enough.

because white women yucky and I've been with two brown women who have been utter garbage so no thanks

heh, that's me on the right

Top right or bottom right desu?

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I don't plan to ever sleep with a white man so I'm hoping there isn't any comic about me yet
>Top right or bottom right
obv bottom right since i'm a femcel

please be my Asian gf

Cope harder, roastoid cunt

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Gooks are no better than the brown bitches there is a reason why white women are in such high demand.

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Sorry, it's not smart in today's political climate. Society doesn't want it to happen.

Maybe if you had sex you would

Virgins attract each other for marriage. Close your legs

the only people that want a white woman are black men and weird indian men.

dont lie to me, you dont want it. society shouldn't matter.

>white women
>high demand
Top kek

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top kek. This guy just proved you aren't.

Keep telling yourself that moid

The fact you are on r9k and can't get a white girl and have to resort to ugly as sin gooks says they are I would stay single rather than dating one of those things.

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you're acting like I have a bad experience with white women, I don't user, in fact it's been fine.
But I'm not dating a white woman in the year 2020 and onward, even if one ends up falling for me.

>even if one ends up falling for me.
Bullshit you will fall for her and we both know that just make sure she is young and not some post wall whore or of course if you are into that other thing I can always zap you.

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>proved me wrong
>has no idea what I look like or anything about me
Because he thinks I'm a 10/10 trad japanese anime model
I don't want to get involved with whites. You just want me to constantly say I hate niggers while worshipping your light eyes and act trad cooking you japanese bento boxes while you watch anime. Nah, fuck being your housewife. ADMIT this is what you think having an asian gf is like.

race mixing is a sin
So dont do it or you will lose

why white men "think" they want to date us

they think we all look exactly like this and will say we hate niggers every single day.

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you're right user, I might fall for a white woman, and true, not some old whore.

nah, bro, you're probably not some fully pure Japanese woman, if you are, cool, but I took the time to look into that culture and stuff. Because I'm not just some yellow fever fag, believe it or not.
but yes, I would like a more traditional approach, that you got right ig lol.

Can you even get a girlfriend?

Because asian gfs don't act like bitches like white or black girls...right?

Looks like Tenda is loose again.

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My Chinese wife looks better than that and literally does say she hates kikes and niggers. She hates kikes more, though.

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Coperino roastie non-kino

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