Long story short, I've been on extreme depression for almost 1 year. The only solution to my depression has been to write a story and believe the characters are actually real. Not real-real, but inside my mind I talk to them and pretend they actually exist when I am alone in my room.
I have no friends, neither online or offline. The only few times depression is not overwhelmingly crushing is when I believe my imaginary friends are around.
Can I avoid madness?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I've been on extreme depression
>imginary friends
i get it user; i often interview myself in my head with the guise of a podcaster or celebrity asking me stupid self-flattering questions that I pretend don't make my ego hard
ive literally done this for hours while chain smoking in my yard god i hate myself
go play some multiplayer games and talk to people. Join a fuckin guild in whatever flavor of mmo you like.
imaginary friends can turn into real cunts if you are not careful.
have you tried making online friends?
I want to believe she could do it.
I don't know about imaginary friends since I'm both too low IQ and too reality-bound to make up imaginary friends of my own but not posting full res pictures should be punished with a lifetime of suffering and an afterlife in the lowest rungs of hell, so for the sake of everything else hopefully you do go mad and all the other bad things.
You're fine, I did that too for close to 1.5 years and managed fine. Though getting away from that and getting real friends (no matter how hard it is for me) definitely improved my mood and depression, but I still occasionally talk to me and also hallucinate about them whenever I can.
Is it all because you don't have a girlfriend?
I take things to a further level. I pretend my imaginary friends have feelings, and stories. They're all characters inspired in Re:zero and other dark fantasy animes
I... swore myself I wouldn't have friends anymore in my life. I should have mentioned in the original post but. After my internet boyfriend left me, my world collapsed.
That's about what I try to avoid
>After my internet boyfriend left me
I'm this user
That's exactly what happened to me. Connecting to characters that resemble my boyfriend honestly really helped me for when I was feeling the worst.
>After my internet boyfriend left me
Are you faggots?
>internet boyfriend
oh fucking hell its a roastie attentionwhoring thread abandon ship everyone remember to sage and abandon ship
>That's exactly what happened to me. Connecting to characters that resemble my boyfriend honestly really helped me for when I was feeling the worst.
In my case none of my characters resemble him. I try to avoid creating any character that resembles him, because thinking about him gives me ptsd-like physical reactions such as sweating, crying or anxiety.
This post is extremely sad and makes me want to hug you.
yes hai hai not OP but a fag sorry about my sexuality but at least I'm not a roastier
Oh that sucks to hear, sorry. I found it to be calming to talk to my pseudo bf and act like he still is there for me. Being delusional is nice for this.
>That's about what I try to avoid
and why is that? im not to keen on internet friends myself but it sounds better than imaginary ones. not that i would know since i dont have either or even real friends desu
Look one of them admitted his flaming faggotry. I refuse to believe a woman would fail on easy mode so hard, she would have to find imaginary friends. Unless she is fictional and a saint like Maria.
>I found it to be calming to talk to my pseudo bf and act like he still is there for me.
The characters I've created are sort of magic and sort of wise ones that have told me the things I need to get over and make a progress with my life, but the thing is, I only believe those words when I truly believe they come from them as if they were truly alive... and I fear getting psychotic/schizophrenic as result.
>and why is that?
Because... after losing him I feel that if I try again everything will end the same. The weirdest thing is that, I have had girlfriends irl in the past, but when I broke with them in the past it never harmed me... this person, he was truly someone I could share my deepest feelings with and, now anything resembling him makes me feel fear. Like, I met him as an internet friend in an art site, now anything resembling such event is just, too heartbreaking for me
>I... swore myself I wouldn't have friends anymore in my life. I should have mentioned in the original post but. After my internet boyfriend left me, my world collapsed.
this is seriously fucking good; i cant tell if OP is bullshiting me or not after reading this but hey im having fun reading your thread either way gg
I am not even a faggot, just became bisexual because of him if that makes sense. Losing him brought me more pain than losing any girl from the past. Probably because I never loved anybody in my life (not even my mom) before him.
>Losing him brought me more pain than losing any girl from the past.
That is probably because it was the first time you lost a human being with unique thoughts and personality.
I'm really sorry for you. I know the pain that you are feeling and I can relate. I had a gf of 10 years too and had no issue breaking up with her for my boyfriend, but him leaving me made me suicidal as fuck and if he doesn't talk to me again soon I'll most likely be dead. But I don't think schizophrenia is an issue for you as long as you realize that they are fictional.
Even after he stabbed me in the back by leaving me for someone else I continue to think of him as the sweetest and most amazing person in the world.
I'm sorry about what happened to you too. I'm afraid of actually going crazy but, the only "close people" I have are my fictional characters
please explain how you can't even love your own mom?
well i hope that with enough time you will overcome your fears and try again, i dont fully understand but still i dont want you to suffer alone
forgot to attach this fsdffff
Yeah my boyfriend also cheated on me at least once a week, it hurt me so much but I cared like it's fine because I love him so much. Everyone keeps telling me he's an asshole and I know that, but my love for him just doesn't stop. I literally love him more than my own life, I'd sacrifice my entire family just to meet him for 5 minutes and I don't think I'll ever recover from it.
Abusive parents. School bullying. Childhood was a hell in where I had people attacking me in school and then back at home I had to stand my parents.
Its like... its like I feel that everything will be the same. Wish I could put it into words but this song explains better youtube.com
>I literally love him more than my own life, I'd sacrifice my entire family just to meet him for 5 minutes and I don't think I'll ever recover from it.
Damn then I really know how much you are hurting. I hate that you have to experience this, I'm just very obsessive with love and when I love the right person it get's really bad. I lost him in late 2018 and since then I haven't been the same person, it's like someone switched me out. Of course my parents say that I'm crazy for having so much love for an internet person but they just don't understand. We are never understood I guess.
>I'd sacrifice my entire family just to meet him for 5 minutes and I don't think I'll ever recover from it.
again, God, really good; I can't tell if you're for real or not
be careful guys, this is an S-rank shitposter. I'll try to hold them off for as long as possible while the rest of you escape this thread and try to save a few minutes of your time and diginity. I might even have to use...."That"; I never thought it would come to this.
I'm actually real, I know it's hard to believe but I'm never posting on Zig Forums until it's the truth and this poster really reminded me of my problems. I don't care about my family so 5 minutes with my boyfriend would be an easy choice, as edgy as that might sound.