Which board is easiest to troll?
Which board is easiest to troll?
Zig Forums
Literally just post a recent popular videogame
The ones that are full of racist alt-right faggots triggered by WWBM couples lmao
I just find WWBM amusing since I find it hilarious when WW ruin their own lives. Other people disagree though.
Why do you think they ruin their lives? I guess it depends on their boyfriend.
Seconding Zig Forums they're the biggest board with the highest concentration of butthurt pulling in the same direction
Bigger boards pull in different directions
Zig Forums Zig Forums and Zig Forums
definitely Zig Forums. You can play the chuds like a fiddle.
Ok, Cool answers, but which board is the HARDEST to troll?
Zig Forums is so damn easy.
/britfeel/. Call Andrew a pedophile for meeting a 15 year old transexual. 1000% guaranteed replies. For bonus points mock his hairline and call DM and SP paedophiles too
probably this one, i remember a couple of spergs continously sending death threads over thinking my server was for grooming. after i shitposted the invites.
my friend also made a larp about how he raped his sister and the cops got him. retards actually believed it and made a good amount of threads regarding the topic afterwards.
also pissed off someone so bad they set a 1k bounty on me and then they got scammed out of the monies
>The ones that are full of racist alt-right faggots triggered by WWBM couples Imao
Zig Forums is my favorite since its an offtopic porn board. fappin makes people easy to redirect.
like i use to write these really kinky stories with all sorts of blackmail and fetish stuff, bondage pouring the wax from candles. Jack was always the guys name and the girl had this huge set of-
>definitely Zig Forums. You can play the chuds like a fiddIe.
Either this one or Zig Forums.
nice try but factually incorrect. In fact, whites are the most sexually dimorphic race. Human evolution is marked by DECREASING sexual dimorphism. Uh oh!
92% of niggers dump their wives
Redditor detected
Go to /ic/, post mediocre art and chimp out about "its just my artstyle retard" when someone tries to critique it.
Zig Forums, Zig Forums. Zig Forums, Zig Forums, Zig Forums. All of these boards have a really young user base who haven't really learned to understand people fully, so its really easy to take advantage of them.
mainly depends on what kind of bait you use. Racebait of any kind always gets top tier seethe, even if its obvious shit like "built for bbc" but being a moralfag on gif rekt threads can get some pretty funny replies. The best one I ever saw was that guy who would LARP as a fembot for like two or three posts and then would just reply "ah who am I kidding, i'm actually a hairy dude." always got a chortle.
It has to be either /sci/ or Zig Forums. In one you can make racist or antisemitic posts and watch them chimp out like their favorite "science" youtubers, and in the other just claim that one game from the good game list (mgr, dark souls, bloodborne...) has no soul.
Probably /k/. It's basically Zig Forums lite, so they get really bootyblasted by raceb8, but they're also deeply, autistically knowledgeable about firearms, so saying something stupid like "I want a gun for home defence, but it can't be an assault rifle" or "I want to hunt with my AK, but I'm scared I'll blow the deer apart" will whip them into a frenzy.
use clip or magazine interchangably, shells, shot, thta kind of stuff, always funny
>but which board is the HARDEST to troll?
lmfao u already triggered them from here
Came here to say that. 99% of mainstream opinions drive them fucking crazy, it's funny how they're the most snowflakey of any board.
Did it already
Probably something like /bant/ where people don't even say words
>girl posting
>race mixing
>sex posting
>suicide baiting
and it goes on
Every board has its kryptonite, or several
Zig Forums
>MSM opinions, biden/trump shilling, covid fear, covid disregard, racemixing, tranny anything, pro/anti qanon, pro communism
Zig Forums
>Racism, transphobia, trannies, pro/anti lockdown, pro biden/trump + shilling, discord, women, simping, being right or left wing, racemixing/racebait
Zig Forums
>Cunnyposting, speak positively of a game
I browse Zig Forums and Zig Forums a bit too, idk tv might be a Zig Forums colony so probably same shit for that one. I like making lots of bullshit bait threads to see what hooks people. There really isn't a specific demographic here. I can get Zig Forumsacks with race shit ezpz, but it's really not hard to get thirty (you)s posting pro trump shit especially here. And I get plenty when I start crossing the wires mixing shit together like putins troll farms pay people to talk about systemic racism and it's a kremlin invention. I have more fun with other boards more often, but I did find a certain discord thing I'm gonna do for a while it's giving me some good laughs. My secret tho