Is there any solid proof that Ciara is no longer alive? I think not

Is there any solid proof that Ciara is no longer alive? I think not.

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Anyway what's thalia's twitter/tumblr? I lost them sadly

Darth Kee-rah

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I think she had a thing for chubby guys.

>ywn run away to live with ciara in secrecy
it's such an injustice, user.

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She might be in rehab. She might be on some other meds. She might be off her meds. She just got old and tired. She actually works a lot. Inb4 proper suicide those are reasonable guesses.

Sweet Angel Keeara will live 4ever in our hearts

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She also lives forever in my sims 4

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Our queen eternal she's so perfect i will always love her

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Ciara is ALIVE, and Living Rent Free inside my heart,


no verifiable proof!
i liek this

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I can actually feel her presence when she smiles upon us

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i was trying to figure out what kind of guys she liked. she definitely had a certain type, guys with brown to sort of dark hair, brown to sort of dark eyes but also seemed kind of pale. she said her ideal guy was a cross between Joaquin Phoenix and the bear from Ted. i suspect she wanted a funny Chad. But she was also supposedly bi

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Oh you're that user, i remember you from another thread. That's so detailed holy shit, how did you find all that shit out? Impressive. When did she mention she was bi?

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almost every guy she was with , supposed bfs, at least in pics, all had that exact same look. She said the thing about Joaquin in some you tube video. She said she was bi a few times, i could never confirm if she ever slept with a girl or if she ever had a gf though, i suspect it was Larp but that she would of if the right person came along. Her friend on here one time said she had a crush on her.

beautiful angel smiles from heaven

she liked morrissey too

Which one of you is ash thompson

I can't believe her dad is worried people will forget her.. She walks with us forever robros

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i know she's trying to dab here but it looks like she's blowing her nose on her sleeve LOL, so cute either way

i am 1,000% turning her into an Ai gf in a few years. Anyone who doesnt like it can blow me and sue me. i love her

Daily Beutiful Angel Ciara (BAC) thread

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>i am 1,000% turning her into an Ai gf in a few years. Anyone who doesnt like it can blow me and sue me. i love her

Extremely based. Godspeed user, you're the chosen one.

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any degenerate anons want to jerk off to her pics together?

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i'll let Her Majesty do the talking

she was such a cute little degenerate whore, i love her

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She was a special lady. wish i could of met her in person. Although she seemed to run with a weird crowd,

oh no no no

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she was so hilarious

if she could of cut back on the drugs and the eating disorder i think she could of maybe become mainstream famous

>and the eating disorder
I'm tired of this crap. Wanting to remain slim is not a "eating disorder". Just because it's normal to be fat in america nowadays doesn't mean that it's a good thing.

when did he originally say that

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serious; could someone turn this into a meme gif

rare kiddie ciara image

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Going back a bit, there was a thread where someone who had contact with her father mentioned it.

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How many of you, faggots, got to talk to her?

i did

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The image that saved Zig Forums

how many met or knew her in person. I'm curious if she was like her videos or was that just acting. I'm picturing her going on a crazy rant out of no where in person

What was she like? What did you talk about?

and did you harass her in any way?

What do you mean? What's the story

yes i sexually harassed her multiple times online

nothing relevant

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>>yes i sexually harassed her multiple times online
excellent friendo

I wonder in how many years we will be able to clone her

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