What is the worst religion r9k?

What is the worst religion r9k?

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all that aren't the one you like. there. i saved you time.

more then likely atheism

Atheist for sure.


user I think that's one of those parody religions like the flying spaghetti monster. Nobody seriously believes OP isn't a faggot.

All the abrahamic religions, especially Christianity, the whole religion is just "go to church, tithe, believe harder" repeat until you die. Wow, fascinating

yeah ive seen op sucking cock before with my 2 very eyes
thats why i believe in opisafaggotism

atheism is probably the worst and the least productive

why are you watching OP suck a cock? you're not gay are you?

I'm going have to say Islam, I have never seen a religion so brutishly strangle and killed native customs and traditions the way islam have, It the religion of conquest and subjugation. The only thing comparable is Spain's entry into the new world and I'm sure 600 years of moorish rule had a effect.

yes i am
because it was my cock op was slobbing on

98% chance of being a pony crop

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I think you are paranoid anonn.

Rabbinical judaism is basically rules for thee not for me

OT Judaism. The OT god is literally Satan:
>1 Chronicles 21:1 Satan rose up against Israel and incited David to take a census of Israel.
>Again the anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and HE incited David against them, saying, "Go and take a census of Israel and Judah."

Oops. I forgot the reference to the second quote: it's from 2 Samuel 24:1

All are retarded but islam especially.

>especially Christianity
How can you even think this? Islam is ok? Judaism where they think they're the chosen people is ok?

I love how the idea that religions are cults just gets thrown out when you're talking about the religion that is tiny and doesn't let anyone join and controls disproportionate amounts of wealth and created its own country on other peoples land in the modern era.

Christianity because it says you go to heaven just for some basic bitch shit and NOT doing a bunch of shit
Bruh imagine if rewards in a videogame were that easy, no difficulty curve whatsoever, every fucking low tier scrub gets the best reward. It'd be a shit game populated by noobs who have no incentive to git gud. That's what heaven is, a deterrent to getting good. Fuck I hate the idea of heaven.
Heaven doesn't even have fuckin tiers, meaning that EVERYONE gets the top tier reward. That's fucking garbage.

No, that's why I said all Abrahamic religions

This. That's why I think Buddhism is like the Dark Souls of religions, it's bad ass. You literally have to just git gud at meditation to advance. If you suck at it or don't get it you're just dead in the water, try again in your next lifetime.

fpbp again
how do you do it?

>when you miss the entire point of the cycle of suffering by being attached to mortal achievements
>and you just don't give a shit because FUCK YEAH MORTAL ACHIEVEMENTS

>heaven has no tiers
19: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth. and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor.
>it's easy to get into heaven
It is not. Most people go to hell, unfortunately

At least Catholicism and gnosticism are better at giving people incentives to be better people.

I don't get what you are trying to say. You have to achieve mastery of meditation, in your lifetime, while you are alive

Pretty much all of them. I guess the least shitty religion would have to be Hinduism.

If you want God's blessing, you need to take up extra responsibility and keep your eyes on God. Look up the story of Elisha and Elijah

Yeah but if your motive is to save people's souls to help them, Heaven could at least be a pyramid scheme where the more people you save, the better your position and benefits are.

That's twisted protestant shit. You are also judged by your works on earth, not just faith in Him alone.

Christianity. Adolf Hitler goes to heaven but the guy that touches his dick and the guy that wears mixed-fabrics can expect eternal torment.

That is not Protestant. I am Methodist and they literally teach us what you just said