MBTI perfect pairs

Which MBTI types go well together?

My type is pretty common irl but in Zig Forums it seems pretty rare. I'm ENFP, so which types am I supposed to get along well with?

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INTJ. You're supposed to date me so I can privately dom you while you protect me from the world and make me feel good about myself.

INFJ/ENFP is supposed to be an ideal pairing.

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INFJs are gay so I highly doubt that.

Any clue whats good for infp

The best pairing is INFJ-T!!!! ^_^

Huh wonder where ill find one of those

xNTJ, specifically INTJs. Basically bullied me and I hated them at first and thought they were a mean asshole, but over time revealed a softer side and we grew to care a lot about each other. They make really good partners to an INFP and can help give us a kick up the ass when we are getting too lazy or defeatist, but also understand and admire our weird out-there ideas and perceptions of the world. Surprisingly romantic and soft-hearted once they grow to care about you, too.

Ayyy gotta have a lil bit of bullying in a relationship. Good to know though thanks user now I just gotta find one in my area lol

I dont really know about INTP pairs at all. ESTJ females are annoying, ISFJs are kinda cool but boring. Sadly I never confirmed any ESFJ female. ENTJ female is cool too but I dont know. Nobody cares about ISFP females for some reason. They always are dumped by previous boyfriend and crying over it. ESFP are literally galaxy brain I dont understand at all. Other types are rare and meme I suppose. Oh well no wonder INTP is forever alone archetype.

Why do some people consider ENFJs to be Stacies?

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ENFJ dude the only thing which is more normie is ESFJ


Supposedly INFJs, ENTPs, INTPs, and INTJs.

I've met an ENFP girl before and she was really flightly and slutty at the same time. She was always complaining about guys in their 20s messaging her because she was.. 17? Mind you this is an American. Had the personality of a wet towel mixed with adderall.
Deleted her after that.
I wish there was a better match for INFJs

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>be INTP ubermensch
>every single source claims the best partner for me is a fucking estj or entj
>forced to live forever alone because E anything is literal trash

Im INFP male, with no artistic talents whatsoever, a.k.a absolute failure. What woman would I get along with???

Not to derail OP's thread, but what about ISTP?

>be ENTJ
>apparently everyone works well with me
>don't give a shit because working / doing miscellaneous shit is more interesting than when I interface with normalfaggots
My main concern is lack of experience when I do go to settle down, but I reckon I could wing it and hope the other side has an equal lack of experience. That and me not losing the plot with having to live with a normalfaggot 24/7/365.

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I'm INTP, what's my match?

Nobody. Its all E's and E's are literal unwantable trash so we get no one.

Posting related because lets face it, somebody was.

You are aware E's just mean they are able to interface with others, not that they strictly do. A person who goes to parties all the time yet doesn't open up is still an I, as much as somebody who can keenly debate and interface with others but chooses to keep to themselves is an E. Examples of each would include bandwagoners for the former and corporate psychopaths for the latter.
Absolute fucking brainlet take if you're judging based on one dichotomy.

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It means they're extroverted. You aren't a true I if you can even tolerate the concept of E's. Literal unwantable undesirable trash all of them.


haha wholesome 100 you really goteem

Right, so your IQ is lower than room temperature (celcius, I get a lot of third worlders are on this site), good to know you dumb black gorilla monkey jungle nigger. As if me giving you an explanation and examples wasn't enough, it seems I'm going to have elaborate on the basics of the entirety of autism astronomy (assuming you can actually read and interpret logic past OOO OOO AAHH AAHH)
The categories are not rigid, and are there to explain thought process - not what they outright state; much like how the T/F split does not deny Thinkers's to exhibit instinctual tendancies / supersition or Feelers to have logical tendancies. To be an F doesn't mean you can't Think, and to be a T doesn't mean you can't Feel.
Now, onto the E/I split - once again, it does not describe reality, merely the thought process behind reality. E/I is not how much you socialise, but your mental capability at socialising. People who find it easier to socialise are put in the E category, even if they decide to fuck off to their hovel after debating in front of thousands. Diogenes sat in his jar would be a strong example of the hermit extrovert. And likewise, somebody who is just bandwagoning and being dragged along places for lack of an alternative reason; when they don't like opening up and are just trying to fit in would be categorised as I's.
So to summise; while an E is more capable/prone to displaying adjectively Extroversial tendancies and vice versa, it's not rigidly so. The category is not based on the adjective, the adjective is simply the closest word in the English Language we have to describe the dichotomy at play for that aspect of thought process.

You have let the fucking faggot autism astronomy side of the test blind you to the entire point of the test - that being a psychologically rigid way to categorise very literal thought processes, not just a label you can put on a twitter bio as the 'kind of person you think you are'. Fuck off and lurk moar.

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You have to look at cognitive functions not letters like these idiots are

Sorry this mbti chart is retarded as fuck. I can believe more in socionics relationships than this shit. I wouldn't touch any ESTJ female ever. Its fucking shit. On the other hand ESFJ that is recommended from socionics I can imagine It could work.

If I'm a feminine subby INFP who would be my match?

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Where's my ENTP / ENFP gf!?

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>being this much of an E fag

>deciding whether or not to be with your partner based on a (poorly constructed) personality test
this might be worse than horoscopes.

A dumpster or incinerator.