The Daily Reminder

>Self-improvement fags
Get off my board

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Damn right, wouldn't want any new ideas or reasonable intellectual discourse messing up the depraved brainlet circlejerk.

>reasonable intellectual discourse
You're on the wrong fucking website, amigo.

This is literally the answer, though they'll never admit it. They're just like religious zealots and they don't want their faith challenged.

Who's the religious zealot here?
A) The people who have made peace with their lot in life?
B) The people who cannot except that A) exists and need to bombard them with bullshit?

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>A) The people who have made peace with their lot in life?
Making your wee-wee a little less sad by convincing yourself that everything wrong in your life is someone else's fault is not 'making peace with your lot in life'.

>projecting the problem
>"look, you have a problem! we need to fix you!"

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Impotent revenge fantasy; you're checking ALL the boxes, user.

Wha? Wanting to be left alone now constitutes a revenge fantasy? You're talking nonsense, stop doing that.

no. do you want advice for how to date girls?

We already know.
>women don't choose the best genetic material to have sex with: men do
In other words: make sure they know what you want.

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yeah but do you need advice for your dates with girls?

No. Go away. Nobody likes you.

You literally posted an image of a guillotine, retard.
Oh, fresh new Small Dick Energy material.

You're a fucking imbecile.
>Mort De Louis XVI
>look at his fucking face
You are so stupid I don't have words. Oh my fucking god. Please kill yourself.

i have plenty of friends. don't you?

>Please kill yourself.
Nope, I'm still posting in your safe space.

I've already established beyond reasonable doubt you're too stupid to live; you don't have to proof it beyond all doubt.

I stopped counting at 10.

And you've established beyond all doubt that you're drowning in your own butt-tears, so I guess we're done here.

I got your point....but it's not possible to have good conversations whit Zig Forums trannys they way to psychopathic.

You're a raving imbecile who couldn't read a simple comment if his life depended on it, yet I'm the one supposed to be "drowning in butt-tears"?

Why does it always have to be the retards they send?

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I like self improvement fags.
You know why? Because I don't think you're actually a robot or an incel if you enjoy being one. It's so awful that I am willing to engage with anyone who has a plan.

self improovers know nothing about humanity. incels are, and ill say it as many times as needed. Failed normies. they are normal fags on hard times. they deserve no sympathy because they aspire to ignorance. robots are enlightened in comparison to these utter faggots who call themselves incels. you don't want to be a robot because you aren't one.

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>claims to be enlightened
>attempting to be an /r9k gatekeeper
not enlightened. I have no interest in pissing competitions with newfags like you

Self-improooovers fall into 2 categories: Women LARPING and failed 29 year olds larping. Realistically, true Chads and normies wouldn't waste time on Zig Forums. If they did they certainly wouldn't come on this obscure board to give advice. I never take them seriously. They provide zero proof for their life or use obvious screenshots from the internet.

i am being a gatekeeper because im enlightened enough to see the wisdom of keeping people so invested in society and the material out.

well I don't disagree with your goals and points but I enjoy hearing other people's perspectives on here and debating them, specifically self improvement larpers since I went through a phase where I thought that was useful.
on the other hand, I feel like the wave of sex obsessed normies who miss their streak for a month and degenerates who post here detracts and gatekeeping them away is fine.

>misguided people who think some webpage they read selling a product will help them
>just this one easy trick...
>future robots
women larping
>engaging with them reveals the reality that they are not here to help and show their true nature which always kept me awake to the reality

But how are they hurting anything? Is your world-view really so fragile that opposing viewpoints are such a threat?

all fucking faggots and normies do, in every society everywhere on earth. Is just talk about how degenerate they are.

gays, go to /r9gay/ all it is is people just saying how gay they are, how badly they want dick or to get fuked in the ass
trannies, its the same thing
incels, all about how bad they want to have sex, every day. nothing of value and they outnumber original robots 1000 to one on this board. there perspectives are all the same because its a fucking collective consious. debate one and you've debated all. they are shit. you don;t even need some stupid no true scottsmen esque robot test to determine who is and who isn't worthy. you need broad rules that cut off these people.
no lgbt shit outside of /lgbt/. a rule they don't enforce.
incels are universally hated everywhere so sending their posts to /trash/ would bother no one.
and with it i am willing to wager that all the other sub-shit threads like racebaiting and "fembots, (question)" threads would go. normies have always been a menace and in recent times they have been trying to disarm you by making it seem like they are not.

hurting? this place is a shell of its former self oozing with maggots because of them.

But how? Are you too lazy to hide threads and posts that make you butthurt? Again, is your world-view so fragile that it can't stand up to any opposing opinions? There's still plenty of threads about suicide, animu waifus, and how all women should be enslaved because they don't want to date autistic fedoratards; so I don't see what harm they're actually having.

>but how?

I don't know, we didn't have a strictly enforced definition of a robot here but this was a very subversive place with a lot of creativity and I miss that. Nowadays it is more dead, more degenerate, more tourist, and repetitive.
I would like to go back to when this was a creative place.

>Self-improvement fags
To be fair, there's nothing wrong with these people.
They're only trying to help us get better.


i agree user

normies GTFO

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I read it... bla bla bla I'm too lazy to hide threads that make my wee-wee sad bla bla bla.