>yea i was a 7 year abusive relationship please give me sympathy
why should i feel sorry for people who are either too stupid to recognize abuse or too stupid to leave?
Yea i was a 7 year abusive relationship please give me sympathy
it's not that simple you fucking retard
couldn't agree more
whores have life on easy mode
You originally shouldn't.
Because women should have all of the freedom and none of the responsibility. It's current year user.
are you deliberately trying to be so stupid OP?
i don't even know whether or not to explain it all
Spoken like a true incel who despises women because he can't get laid and is totally unaware of battered woman syndrome.
there is literally no excuse for it. believing you deserve or should continue to get hurt goes against human nature
>there is literally no excuse for it
"I'm too dense to understand psychology so I just don't believe it"
spoken like a true onions
i know people who were abused, all women. women tend to be more easily manipulated and conditioned, meaning they're more stupid
I'm actually interested and want a response, I'm not OP though. I just dont understand how these people can't just leave an abusive relationship.
it is that simple if you have a rational male mind
why THE FUCK do women have the same rights as men?
You get trauma bonded to your abuser, also a lot of the time these people are nice for months or even years and you fall in love with them, then they snap one day, then go back to being nice to you, and your brain gets really confused and cant figure out if they are a demon or a loving partner who loves you and just made a mistake, because the truth is they are both.
Female psychology is defective by nature. Women stay with their abusive partners because they are inherently weak; they simply cannot make physical demands for respect from the world of men. Ha ha.
Like all women, you truly are a peace of shit. You all try to 'see both side's to avoid casting yourselves in a critical light.
You're right OP.
If I were in an abusive relationship, I would simply leave.
And if I can't and threats to me or my family are made, it's murder time.
Even a weak woman can poison a man and stab him. And as long as you have proof, you wouldn't even go to jail as judges are lenient towards women.
And even if they're too retarded to do it themselves, not having family members ready to protect and help you is a redflag in itself.
As opposed to a mentally ill black and white thinking incel
Alright, let me give you a common example
Police has been called to investigate abuse, which already takes a shit ton of balls, there's not enough evidence or they don't even believe you (the thing you were scared of and why you were hesitant about calling police)
Now the boyfriend/girlfriend is even more mad and you get more injury
At this point you're scared that if you try to leave, they'll find you and kill you because the police doesn't take it seriously
And keep in mind, they know your family and some of your friends
What do oh mighty user?
it's very subtle and happens over the course of many years
people don't just turn into abusers overnight, and thus the victim doesn't run away overnight
this is true
understanding is a virtue
op btfo'd desu
>me, a gentlemanly gamer of a virtuous disposition
>swiftly rejected by women
>Chad, a brutish jock liable to battering his partner
>instantly accepted by women, abuse and beatings tolerated
for a decade or longer
Truly thought provoking.
indeed, we really do live in a society...
if you really don't think the police can do anything to help you, walk away, and with a weapon if you need to. call literally anyone. do literally anything. go literally anywhere else. if this relationship really is that bad you'd be willing to do anything to leave
it's entirely the victim's (i.e. the mentally irrational woman's) fault that she lets a abusive relationship persist.
women just like to pretend they din do nuffin.
this cannot be refuted, any time I mention this all I see are ad hominem thrown my way and nothing more (as usual with the nature of women, who can't think rationally)
theyre bragging. i wish i was in an abusive relationship
>walk away, and with a weapon if you need to
Easier said then done, what are you going to do? Carry a weapon everywhere you go?
Every day in fear that some day (s)he might find you and do even more horrible things to you like you know they can?
>call literally anyone.
They know your friends and family, even if you can go there, they can track you down
And that's IF you haven't been isolated or had family and friends to rely on in the first place, there's pleny of cases where the girl was escaping a shitty environment to get away from them
Now she doesn't have anyone
>if this relationship really is that bad you'd be willing to do anything to leave
Retarded oversimplification
only for you user
it's just psychology
people who are abusers are not so blunt with their actions and are very, very calculated. abusers can be anyone because they put on a mask until their victim is comfortable.
here is an example that i've seen many times, every situation is different. sometimes they don't build up to full on hitting, and just beat you on your wedding night.
a woman can date a guy for 2 years and everything will be peaches and cream until they're married. slowly she will notice he's not the same man anymore, he makes odd remarks about her appearance, etc. her self esteem takes a blow because previously he was incredibly kind and never showed any hint of being dissatisfied with her appearance. she is torn and questioning herself because he was so sweet before, and now he's saying these hurtful things? is it her? she starts questioning herself and her sanity. it doesn't make sense. this goes on, it gets worse. he has moments where he's "good" (lovebombing) and then he goes right back into it, he gets angry and smashes her things. she's confused and is hoping that if she tries hard enough she can get back the man she dated during that 2 year mark.
its all really complicated and involves heavy manipulation and questioning yourself
i recommend reading "why does he do that" by lundy bancroft which goes into more detail about abusive people and their ways. it was written by a guy who was a counselor for abusive people for 10+ years
Yes it is just break up what's so difficult.
too long didn't read
typical woman psychobabble
that's why you will never have a happy life
see you here next year and the year after
My life is great actually, I just come on here to laugh at pathetic women like yourself who think they know anything about the real world.
Thanks for the ad hominem btw, really helps to drive my point home that you're inferior and can't rationally make an argument.
Why do you adamantly refuse to date me () in favor of brutish, vulgar Chads, M'lady? Perhaps you should have sojourned with me in my quarters and enjoyed a humble evening of playing Left 4 Dead or Skyrim instead of giving yourself to such a ruffian.
lmao, the only retard here is you. How fucking stupid do you have to be to get played for years?
You're not fooling anyone
probably unoriginal