Hey user, what else do ya need me to clean

hey user, what else do ya need me to clean

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This board, it's overrun with normalniggers and women and trannies.

>your soul because I can tell you're a monster deep down inside with no wholesome intentions.
And then I ghost them.

my gravbong, using the same water since a few months so you should change that

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Europe, australia, america, new zealand and canada

Could you clean up my desk I just knocked over my drink

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Ceb stop ignoring me. I wanna smash your boipussy

fresh water for you sir

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Ceb's boipussy after and i cream his ass

>used to have a girl that would come over and clean for me wearing just a thong
>the rule was I could touch her however I wanted but couldn't put anything in her
>tfw she graduated college and didnt need to be my lewd maid for money anymore and cut all contact with me

Your vagina, it stinks OP

Imagine going after the butt of some nasty hairy uggo
where is your selfrespect user

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my room pls its getting messy in here

Stop being a tease.

The world of kikes, jannies, trannies and coomers.

you will have no sucess with me, all you can do is to kill me and keep the corpse afterwards but doubt that you cumbrain

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You heard him user.
We'll hold him down and you fuck his ass while I take his mouth

my penis please....Can you lick it clean and finish me off pretty please femanon :|

Shut up you know you want it you little slut.
Fuck you ceb is mine and mine alone. I'm not sharing him with anyone.
You can cry jerking off alone while I cuddle him.

My face is a bit dirty, please come here and take a close look.
Very close, the dirt is very fine.

As a dutiful maid would!

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Shit, I didn't want to have to do this user, but it looks like i'll have to share my cum with you and ceb equally

You know what, I didn't think of that possibility but sure.
But ceb is still mine alone and you can't have him.

Thank you Miss Maid, can you go prepare dinner?

>Ywn fuck ceb and his bf
Why even live

Shut up ceb. Stop pretending you don't like it you slut

could you do the laundry? i forgot to over the weekend

>"Clean my balls for me baby."

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I do not, instead I would like getting choked to death by a boymoder or transgirl

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Quiet you two, or else i'll have to punish the both of you

could you cum on her or rub your balls on her face and stuff?