>mfw feelers are able to make music and I can't

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Have you tried math genres? :3c

O-or if they aren't your thing, then... there's still a lot of logic and math behind music anyway! I guess once you figure some of that out, you might eventually make a composition~! ^_^

INTP here, i'm a riff machine

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You can't make music because you're not talented, not because you're ENTP

As a feeler I can say thats bullshit you can fake emotions really well and calculate them with your ti

INTP here as well, my parents forbade me from playing music or drawing since I was a kid and broke my fucking guitar when I was 7 yo and also beat the fuck out of me for being a lefty until I switched hands. I have lost all my artistic gifts now.

I can drum like a motherfucker but I haven't had my band in years. I've only ever made two original songs on my own, and they were actually two stanzas of two melodies.

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just write music bro, i have a bunch of different songs in different styles. What works the best for me is learning other songs and trying to find out why they work and writing something similar, the more different these songs are, the most original yours will be

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Christmas cake 2020 is in the oven!

I think his complaint is that feelers are able to make music even with talent and practice.Being able to make music implies that they are higher than animals in some way

Thanks user, kind words won't stop me from being a literal subhuman though. Trying to find a girlfriend is supposed to be a part of being alive.

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I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna finally take The Test.

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lmao, that's easy
>get yourself a nerd, some of those comp sci fags or fa/g/s
>make him program some algorithm to make music that will sell well
>get a musician to curate this music
>sell it to a label

Look at the bright side, at least you can make cringe posts.

Why are you like this? There are other websites out there with lots of great stuff out there. That's like saying you only like pumpkin pie so all other pies are garbage and you won't try them.

>learn music theory
>slap notes based on knowledge
Pop music itself uses the same 12 notes or so. Once you get used to it you can break the rules to make something unique.

>Why are you like this?
Because I'm a bad person and fj is a complete shithole regardless.

>be infp
>have literally zero artistic ability

It's over

jesus christ wtf
Are you by any chance asian
If not, why did they do that

I'm afraid all I can do is offer a crumb of empathy.

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Just start experimenting with notes on a piano untill you find something that sticks. Also record the procces because otherwise you'll forget your ideas.
t. ENTP drummer and guitarist

No I come from a muslim family, my parents were dicks but not extremists and they only used that as another excuse to beat me and make my life hell.
Thanks user, don't worry I have come in peace with myself

>don't like taking things apart because I can't seem to put them back together correctly
>hate complicated shit
>never engage in risky behavior
>get butthurt easily

idk bros this shit seems whack to me

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how does an infp get a gentle dom partner AAAAAAA plesae give me a reason to improve myself

What the fuck am I reading? This goes against my entire mental schema I've built of the chad ISTP type and its making me uncomfortable. If I could change my type I'd be to an ISTP or an INTJ.

What do you like, and what do you value?

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INTP here

Im in school learning sewing who would have ever thought

Well I hope I can still have a career or something in videogame design in the future that was always my dream job, if not Ill make a business and design my own clothes (only reason im doing this), if all goes horribly wrong ill just be a seamster making clothes for others

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>What do you like, and what do you value?
nothing and idk

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>math genres
what is this

its really beautiful

like post rock with a little funk thrown in

ENFP checking in and i can play some mene jazz and make some good shit on the piano

>tfw split between ENTP and INTP
Not even these "accurate" tests can tell me what I am.

feels bad man...

It should be really ez to determine this. I love this YT channel.

Why are INFJ and INTP women the most interesting?

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