>work at a nursery home
>help 95yo to bed
>"I don't want to anymore Mr user. I'm tired."
>shrug it off because he's still in good health for his age
>go to check on him the next day
>colleague tells me he passed during sleep
Work at a nursery home
pour one out for that guy
How did he do it? Can I learn this power?
He stopped breathing
Like nigga just stop and die
I am security in a nursing home whats up user. working around old people is honestly enlightening but also depressing. Its enlightening because you learn that at the end of your life when you are really looking death in the face, all that matters is your family/spouse/children. That is it. Not the material possession you gained along the way, your status in society, your wealth, none of it really matters in the end. Thats depressing because I cant have a family of my own, I am a virgin whose never even been on a date. I feel like I can't have what really matters in life.
Wasnt there atleast one non-depressed single old guy?
>all that matters is your family/spouse/children
Oh, better kill myself before I get too old then
Modern women are to blame for that. Back then it was piss easy to have a family on your own, literally just talk to women and be present.
Today you have to do dozens of absurd shit tests and compete against a 7 feet 12 inch dicked gigachad from 50 miles away on Tinder.
>hurrdurr incel cope
I am 6'1, I lift, I do Cardio, I study, I go to parties, I talk to women, I have money, I try to escalate things. I never had sex or a relationship. It's a made up lie that it's "easier than ever" to get women. It's a nightmare, my dad told me about ways to get women that straight up lead you in the friendzone simp orbiter role if anything with today's women.
Over 30% of us will die childless, that's the sad reality and only and solely women are to blame for this.
2 weeks ago one of the single old guys shot himself in the face, thats the second suicide in 3 months, and it is always a single old guy. Always. Its very depressing. I didnt realize until I started working here that suicide is most common in men in the age group over 60
I don't work out (skinnyfat), don't go to parties, 6", study but suck at it, only ever talked to girls from my HS class. Had sex with a 7/10 who I was in a relationship with and another girl who was a 6/10 had a crush on me. They say I have a good humour.
I meant 6' but 6" is also true.
I also suck at it btw.
I'm 27 in undergrad and dropped out of college twice. I also get awful grades despite putting in 4-6 hours a day.
Tbs you are lying or are a drug addict and scream obnoxious shit out of your lungs, pretty much degenerate parasitic scum, those men get lots of women because women are braindead parasites and follow their own, if you are a decent human being and don't do drugs, have fun dying alone or getting a 40 year old roastie with 10 abortions in the past.
ex-PUA here. i will drop 2 black pills and invite you to fuck off afterwards
1. you have an ugly face or ugly SIDE FACE PROFILE
2. you live in a country with difficult women
Bro don't be mad. For me, it was sheer luck with an average girl who all of my friends considered less attractive than my 6/7 feminine face (long hair at the time and girl turned out to be bi sexual). I was not the first for her, she had a one night stand before me. Yes, it did bother me. Don't think others have it easier or without compromises. I am not a drug addict, she smoked a lot of weed and went partying with her friends while I did not. Yet, I have had sex. Am I possibly a psychopath? Yes. Am I proud of it? No, I hate it. And I since have taken christianity much more seriously, and I hate the fact that I had sex before marriage. It wasn't that good except for the BJs etc.
>Over 30% of us will die childless, that's the sad reality and only and solely women are to blame for this.
Fuck lads it's so unfair. All ever wanted was a family and got none of it. instead I got unlimited free time being neet that ive pursued every creative hobby imaginable, but it doesnt fill the void and it never will.
my only hope at this point is that god gives us some reward on the other side for never having experienced love while alive. yep, my only hope left is believing in god. how sad is that.
Both of these probably. Face might be ugly, I will not post it obviously.
The country with difficult women is the objective truth. I am in Germany, it has a reason why a bunch of the biggest Incel channels are hosted by Germans (Incel TV for example), German women have over the top standards and Christian Grey is barely enough for a 2/10 landwhale.
It's the way of nature. If it wouldn't have been only for the most adaptive to survive, our species might not have survived, as it would be much weaker. 99% you can improve yourself to the level where you can start some sort of family with some sort of girl. Getting your expectations too high? Either that or you're the 1% which is really doomed to end their parents bloodline.
I'd suggest take a look at yourself. You want a virgin GF. Which girl is a virgin? The one that goes to church. Do you go to church, are you having the same values? If not, what are you expecting. IMHO this is the only true redpilled way to move forward. This will make roasties extinct.
Good luck.
Im doomed. society is doomed. I dont see the USA lasting another 15 years at the rate everything is going. suicides skyrocketing every year and ever growing tension between political parties. everyone in the USA deserves it anyways. Im just waiting for the fireworks to go off.
Well everyone is fucking 2m tall in that country what did you expect?
If you don't care too much abt the muh aryan bloodline meme (shame on u btw), then couldn't you just get a muslim, arab, or other immigrant qt (ie. eastern european), with lower standards?
>way of nature bruh
>drug addicts with poor mental and physical health get laid the most
>there are people on fit who are over 6 feet with 6 figure jobs (I refer to those who also posted pics of those) who go in their 30s without even having touched female skin
Uhm... sure?
I am I went on a couple dates with German women. I canfirm that German women are very difficult. Easiest women in EU are Russian (moscow/leningrad)
Extremely difficult women are Italian women too. You fucked up choosing to be born there. Its a country where a woman will choose her man. not vice versa.
also let me drop another quick black pill for your ugly face. fix your eyebrows and you might become +40% more handsome. google about male eyebrow shapes
also get a fringe haircut if possible
I think the problem is, the comfort of the modern world, technology, etc. got you used to always going the easier way and succeeding. IT's NOT the case with grills and has never been. "I'm doomed" that's easy to say, while doing absolutely nothing to fix the sich. I literally told you the solution, but giving up some sinful (or call it whatever you want, coomer, consoomer) habits for the greater good is too difficult? Then don't cry about the consequences.
>everyone is fucking 2 m tall
That's Iceland, the average height in Germany is 5'8, I barely get overtowered at 186 cm/6'1.
I refer to EVERY woman btw, not just "pure blonde aryan goddesses". I refer to Asian, Blacks, Arabs etc., every single female in this country.
>every single female in this country.
its the hive mind of the woman. IF an arab girl in your country sees locals being so picky she too will become picky
Im too old. Im almost 30. what am I supposed to do? self improve and fuck used goods? even christian girls are used that late in the game. half the girls on christian dating apps past the age of 25 have kids and still looking for the "one". lol.
Im just going to mope and use up the planets resources until the day I die
do you sometimes take advantage of the grannies?
Yes, those people are money making machines, not certainly ideal males for reproduction. You might be better for that father role than them.
LMAO that sucks. Another thing that is a problem with the robot mindset is the below:
"fuck used goods" ngmi.
Men peak at like 35. At 40 you can still get 20-25 year olds, that is also natural for women that age to look for men that have an established wealth/income etc. It's even more prevalent for conservative grills.
It's not gold digging, it has been like this for literally for ever, just the media brainwashed w*men and you too, into thinking that the women should be able to be independent. Yet another temptation for divorce besides money, for the woman ofc.
You can make a fair marriage thing (idk in English, it's like a formal agreement bind by law), which means both will leave with what they brought. If she brought a backpack with clothes, she leaves with that, so there is no temptation to divorce for money. If your countries laws are cucked, like Istanbul Convention ratified not just signed, then you're a bit more fucked.
These stuff that the church and or christians in general stand up for, like marriage are actually useful, like gender roles, not made up for no reason.
Oh you don't want the hassle of restraining from sex before marriage, marriage itself, bearing children and living a fulfilled life without living in hedonism?
You are not willing to take any risks when the chances are not good for success?
Not gonna make it.
my guy here is asking the real questions
You dont get family without wealth. The two most important things are time and wealth. You have nothing without at least one of those. Like with wealth you can get a family but no time so you cant enjoy it so its meaningless.
a red pill you dropped here. he is a security...not very good wealth to start a family
I think those suicidal old guys still had friends and a social life before they got that old though and then when they were finally all alone couldn't handle it. I'm used to that lifestyle, and I bet they didn't have videogames and imageboards to keep themselves busy with. Not happening to me, it'd be like I am now, but with shriveled balls dripping low like a christmas stocking