Naughty Dog made female characters less feminine to be trans friendly and that's a GOOD thing

Naughty Dog made female characters less feminine to be trans friendly and that's a GOOD thing

>“It’s not really about the sexual objectification of women, ” he explained. “Women, like men, come in all shapes and sizes; to say that having big busty women is unrealistic is untrue.”

>He added: “This is only true for trans people. A trans woman can’t naturally grow large breasts, and not all trans people can afford implants. If you see a game where the women are a little less curvy, it’s not to because the game designers are worried about receiving backlash for sexualising women, it’s because they are worried about offending the trans community.”

>“From a design stand point, this is a really challenging problem. I’ve had many board meetings about how to tackle this. Trans people want ‘realistic’ representation in our games, but they feel excluded if they are represented as too masculine or too feminine. That’s why you will see a lot of designers ‘nerfing the female form’ so to speak so that the difference between trans women and cis women is a little less noticeable.”

If you have a problem with this, you're just admitting that your masculinity is so fragile that feel intimidated by video game characters and transgender people.

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Or I don't want to watch and control an ugly fuck for extensive time. Sorry.

>cater to a small minority
>lose a metric fucktonne of people who would have bought the game were it not for leaks of a faggot tranny beating Joel to death
Get woke, go motherfucking broke. RIP Naughty Dog. You cunts deserved it.

fucking retarded, pandering to one of the smallest minorities on the planet is gonna lose them sales. Do they think they're actually going to increase profits because of this? Retards. If anything fewer trannies are gonna buy their shit because it almost seems like Naughty Dog think trans people are unattractive, or are incapable of properly 'transitioning'. Just a fucking retarded decision.

who gives a shit


I give a shit, you terminally-fucktarded faggot. Video games are the ONLY medium left that isn't largely-corrupted by Jewish and/or Chinese influence. You fucking smear. Go shove a poison-tipped cactus in your ass and fucking THANK me for it.

ITT so far 5/6 people.

Thank god, I'm so ready for all the corporate shill companies to crash and burn.

It's called being straight

Kill yourself

This and whether any of you faggots like it or not the people who breed and reproduce will always be running the show.

Why did they stopped making Jak games ? I know X was horrible but I fucking hate Uncharted and Last of us

Women are now offensive. Kek.

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I mean even if I'm playing a male caracter, I want him to be pretty or at least have charisma.
Stick to japanese games guys, embrace de weebness

This. No one wants to play or control an ugly as fuck character. Unless its LITERALLY a badass monster. Making a woman just look like a badass monster. No one is going to play that because people play video games to escape the reality that women are unfunny, uncouth monsters.

>women are now >>retarded

Whatever, nice to see Edward Furlong still getting work.

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1.2% to POTENTIALLY 6.8% should modify the visual and social norms for people to see? I could understand a rare one-off trans based character. But any company making the set standard trans friendly just to make everyone comfortable when that IS NOT the norm? Nope, sorry. Naughty Dog is fucking cuckoo.

They make whatever the overly vocal trannies, feminazis, and cucks who are agreeing with them spam their video game idea forums with.

That is sad

Is that from The Last of Us 2?

I feel like it's pretty realistic that the tomboy dykes would be the ones to survive in a post-apocalyptic world over the cute/weak pretty girls.

The only time we play ugly caracter it fit the game/story like Trevor or Nico Bellic in GTA's

Ain't a bitch- right I'd say


What are they talking about?!?

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D-did he just bash trans people? This is why you dont bother pandering to an insignificant group

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That's so batshit insane. kek

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>batshit insane
>post yakuza
You had one fucking job

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No one wants to play tranny characters dude. Tomb raider is a classic example of a feminine yet strong character that has had long lasting popularity

The goal of feminism is to make women into inferior men and men into inferior women.

No wonder even normies abandon it.


She's a very proper gander.

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not posting pic related on all
their facebook pages. just did my part. why havet you?

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Imagine playing a duke nukem game where the main character is grossly obese cause its the norm.

These games are fantasy, if they want to represent trans people more maybe have that questionable gender person commit suicide, you know, for realism.

They're just gaining publicity for no effort thanks to you morons. Dont buy the (already shitty)product and you'll nevel see this nonsense again.

Thank you capitalism.

>have that questionable gender person commit suicide, you know, for realism.

This one is way better

They should have the game about a pansexual nonthreatening thing

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Never played a naughty dog game besides crash

>Have that questionable gender person commit suicide, you know, for realism.
There goes my fucking coffee, holy shit

It’s a shame to the low level devs that they had their bonuses held while the execs didn’t hesitate to reward themselves after forcing the people that matter to work a crunch schedule.

It’s a shame %70 of staff left before the game was finished.

It’s a shame these identitarian politics were so heavily focused on instead of a decent story.

Ah well just put it in the pile so people can laugh and highlight these embarrassing mistakes in the future for games that follow the same missteps.

>buy our game or you’re a bigot!

This line doesn’t even work on woke leftists and you expect us not to laugh directly in your face?

im so fucking tired of it. social marxism, feminism, what ever. this fucking plague. make your own god damn shit and peddle it. we have our stuff that we like dont need some 30 year old marketer with a social marxist complex to fuck up another franchise to only move onto the next.
every time games take this turn, business suffers. ever. fucking. time.

>Made female characters less feminine to be trans friendly
Based Naughty Dog literally acknowledging 99% of male to female trannies just look like ugly males with long hair.

>letting others opinions affest your art
>letting others opinions dictate what you create

thats the biggest cuck shit ive ever seen

can't wait for keira to grow a fucking beard

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Fake article, OP is a fag and a nigger. There's plenty of real things to get upset about instead of your made-up shit.

So you're admitting that trans "women" aren't feminine?

Also nah, I just think the inclusion of this storyline is fucking retarded and I won't pay to be preached to.

But thank you.

>‘nerfing the female form’
>difference between trans women and cis women is a little less noticeable
Oh.... I see, there are physical differences between a male's body and a female's body...

Trans here. This is fucking retarded. Death to SJW and feminist bullshit.

Right? Just because I'm okay with it doesn't mean I want to control an odd, ugly looking mutant because of feelings.

I can't wait for this trash to bomb.
Sadly it seems none will understand that tranny faggots don't play video games

Joel gets beaten to death by a tranny with a golf club. The Last of Us is kill.

needs to be one of the trans faggot with chin and shoulders pointing at the female that cowards

Anime is still safe if you're a fag.
Japs don't care about tranny feelings.

This is a paid shill, they are in full damage control

>be fed up dev
>inject code before printing of discs/ digital release to make all enemies invicible and can oneshot player
>player always dies at first encounter
>naughty dog gets backlash over violence to trans women

This is why they want to do away with Free trade. The market always kills their bullshit. Remember the feminist Ghostbusters shit? Neither does anyone else.

>Video games are the ONLY medium left that isn't largely-corrupted by Jewish and/or Chinese influence

You say this as though the industry isn't already rotten to the core.

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It went full sjw...

>Trans people want ‘realistic’ representation in our games
trans people make up not even 0.0001% of the world's population, yet they expect to be represented in games


Pushing SJW agenda in 2020 makes youa white guilt fem cuck. So really dude shut the fuck up

>be trans
>be happy that games are more catered towards my fragile psyche that can't handle characters that don't look like me
>inject exogenous hormones
>become emotionally unstable and become an hero


That's cause there's so many fags in speedrunning. They just play videogames all day collecting unemployment checks cause society won't accept their weird crossdressing behavior. They really should just kill themselves.

Not the one you were replying to, but that is a fair point. The IRS is starting to crack down on streamers in general for not declaring their income correctly, and Twitch created the affiliate program to create a visible paper trail and catch them in the act while profiting from it.

It's not a deal breaker for me, and I generally dislike transgender people.

How do you live then?

>If you have a problem with this, you're just admitting that your masculinity is so fragile that feel intimidated by video game characters and transgender people.

Yea, totally. It's not like there's any other reason to be disturbed by this. Like, it's totally normal that a major franchise in a highly popular medium is altering their characters to appeal to the mental illness of an infinitesimal segment of the population.

cocaine is a hell of a drug

I wonder how many of those speedrunners are only "trans" at AGDQ/streaming and those that dont commit to 365 days a year. You know? Like they only pretend to be in public for whatever reason.


> im so fucking tired of it. social marxism, feminism, what ever. this fucking plague. make your own god damn shit and peddle it. we have our stuff that we like dont need some 30 year old marketer with a social marxist complex to fuck up another franchise to only move onto the next.

> make your own god damn shit and peddle it.

Are you fucking dense mate? They literally are.

"Hur dur, if you want to pander make your own game!" is the stupidest shit ever if you're going to bitch anytime it happens.

I dont like faggots or trannies in my video games or otherwise.

I dont want to support companies that make the decision to include said groups in their titles.

>Literal Lesbians raising a black baby in Boku No Hero.
>Thousands of anime that include underaged boys dressing as women and being called "traps".
>Thousands more Yuri and Yaoi series.

Not even Shounen is Spared.

Like I get the feeling they dont actually have gender dysphoria or whatever the fuck its called, but are motivated in some way for whatever gain they thought they can get.
Kind of like that weight lifting guy who competed as a woman. I bet you he thought "I cannot set the record as a man.... but as a woman..."

looks like Naughty Dog fucking sucks lmao

The first line is a line lie

Who gives a fuck about a shit game.

Sadly too many activists act like a virus
They can not stop at a point where they could simply exist in symbiosis.
They wont stop until they kill their host.

Honestly its time to stop catering to these fucks. They make up less than 1% of the human population and contribute nothing more than their bitchy whining. I feel like if society just ignored them for long enough they’d shut the fuck up.

Anyone tranny who is offended should be burned alive.

You're a dumb fucking mongoloid faggot. It was an already established IP without the social marxist bullshit, so go fuck yourself you brain dead boot licking marxist faggot bitch.

I'm ok with this, I don't agree with the reason, but the diversity is nice.

>Be post-apocalyptic world
>Want to become a tranny
>No access to meds
>Only thing I can do is butcher myself with crude knife
>Down with patriarchy
>Look like a proper tranny, a butchered man.
Thanks naughty dog

Diversity for diversity's sake is cancer.

jesus christ, denton. another fifty billion dollars down the drain.