Hey athiests, how does it feel to know that Charles Darwin repented on his death bed and denied his

Hey athiests, how does it feel to know that Charles Darwin repented on his death bed and denied his
of evolution?

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no he didn't

yes he did

Doesn't matter if he did.

Just like it wouldn't matter if Newton recanted Calculus on his death bed. It's still true.


>on your own post
opinion disregarded


you tend to not get a choice in conversion on your deathbed.

they'll ask you at first, then they'll just do it when you cant tell them no

besides the great thing about it is darwin doesnt need to beleive it.

satisfy yourself however you want christcuck
you beleive in magic.

Calculus isnt "true"
It's a language invented by humans.

don't care retard

just means you have to be deluded from oxygen deprivaton to your brain on your deahbed o hink god is real tbh

Actually no one's opinion matters here

Cars aren't true, they were invented by humans

I'll save everyone the google - no he didn't

Frankly, I couldn't give a fuck.
His opinion is not what made it valid. The scientific evidence supported the hypothesis then, and it supports it now.
Gravity is also a theory.

Rumours were spread by Lady Elizabeth Hope, who based on accounts of Charles Darwins family had never ever met the man in the final months of his life. She first told the story of his recanting of the Theory of Evolution and conversion from agnostic to Catholic around 25 years after his death for an American Baptist publication.

The story she told reads that she went to Charles home, met him when he was stuck in bed looking out of a window onto corn fields, cornered him with bible logic and this disturbed the old man so deeply that he went back on the theory of evolution and converted but never told anyone else ever. Downs house where Charles died is surrounded by woodland and grass not corn fields.

What does this even mean?

Typical Christian fantasy.

It means nothing user

it's the insane ramblings of an idiot, pay it no mind

Believing in evolution doesn't make you an atheist, stupid faggot.

it means it is a means to expres truth not truth itself. love how you all try so hard to sound smart
nice false equivalency
great analogy

sither the pic is unrelated or OP's a dumb cunt cause the christian gentleman in the pic is James Clerk Maxwell

Fucking this

Geez what shit-for-brains

no, you have to know what it is before you can say its wrong

sorry the rest of us had these thoughts at 11 user..

youre not being as smart as you think you are..

its a language and set of rules we agree on that is reliable enough to a realistic degree that we can model the world in isolation repeatably.

show me what magic has ever done

Well Karl Marx never did, and he was also a Hegelian, so I'm good.

[Citation Needed]

I mean...deny it all you want, but there is clear evidence of evolution and natural selection all around us, just look at constantly mutating viruses for example. you choosing to not acknowledge it's existence won't make it magically go away. But on the other hand this does not disprove a higher being either, for all we know the process of evolution could have been created by it as well. They way i see it the universe was truly created then we are just a mere experiment or form of entertainment to the gods. there is no love involved.

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Darwin believed in God anyway


You've never had any physics classes have you?
Calculus is used in physics sometimes.
The "laws" of physics aren't natural laws. They're our closest approximations at this point.
Calculus isnt "true", it's a language we use to approximate the world around us.

>then we are just a mere experiment or form of entertainment to the gods

This is what the ancient greeks thought

Just like your idea of God

Ultimately it doesn't matter what he thought, the theory holds with a phenomenal weight of evidence. It's one of the best supported ideas out there. Better supported that the theory of gravity even... because evolution is fairly simple and well understood at the fundamental levels. Gravity is complicated and misunderstood in some areas