How can we remodel the solar system?

How can we remodel the solar system?

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There are many ways. Do we maximise solar surface for maximum energy output, or do we maximize living space be creating rotating habitats around Earth. Personally, I would go for a matrioska world with layer upon layer built out from the planet, all the while building a Dyson swarm around the sun to beam power back to the now skyscraper earth. You could tear apart the whole solar system for resources while you use the sun as a stellar engine to propel the solar system to new resources or more interesting places.

Well we need to figure out how to manipulate gravity, or build some fucking massive engines. Just curious OP what would you do if you could?

just drop a fuckton of asteroids on Earth.

and nothing of value was lost.

Attached: Dalek_Imagine.png (508x596, 650.09K)

by you leaving it

How can we pilot the solar system?

I have no idea right now. I had a couple of dumb ideas but they don't make much sense/I don't know if there are much better ways to accomplish what I wish to do. I suppose my endgame is the survival of humanity so I will just say maximize human living space.

Swarms of drones that would have to go as far as pluto to dismantle basically the whole solar system and asteroids within to have enough material to even consider entombing the sun.

Most likely a shell design is not possible until you're at the precipice of the next Kardashiev level. That's why a drone swarm around the sun would have to be used.

Now the question whether you digitize the species into a supercomputer within the swarm and only send out advanced 3d printers around the universe to recreate some sort of construct in your image with provided instructions/ zipped consciousnesses, or through some MAGIC build gravitational engines that have enough impact to adjust the trajectory of the sun as it travels through our galaxy.

A lot of dyson sphere/transcendency type of ideas are covered by Charles Stross in Accelerando. Pretty neat mental gymnastics.

In no specific order

Take the helium out of the sun, put in more hydrogen. Put all the planets in a habitable orbit, set up weather/climate control system. Remediate atmospheres until habitable for humans.

Some goofy bastard on hgtv would probably suggest building a giant wood facade to cover up any of the not so pretty planets, then stuff about 20 decorative moons right up against a planet you’d use and they would just be in the way (as in decorative pillows), and then to top it off they would make giant floating space candles and put the fuckers everywhere.

To build further on this, a sufficiently advanced civilization would probably want to redesign their solar system to build a MegaStructure that basically serves as a SpaceInternet Router. With these advanced 3d printers contained in a space ship the size of a coke can, powered by giant sails, basically sent off to other stars to start the design of the next Router ( which could take milennia). Then once routers are built, digitial conciousness of said civ could travel via these super routers ( imagine a powerful pulsar beam sent into space ) and be reconstructed by by nano swarm 3d printers atom by atom at their destination.

This would be an answer to the dilemma that physical travel is very prohibitive because of these distances. However a signal amplified by a harnessed sun could maybe send the "build instructions" far enough to be read by another megastructure reciever.

How could we put up shields against gamma ray bursts?

You can either build a hemi spherical she'll around one of the poles of the sun, and use that to reflect star matter away like a simple chemical rocket. Alternatively you can lift matter from the star, and with a careful gravity balancing act you can propel the sun with the matter you are lifting.

Very interesting insights. Basically what you describe is a Von Neuman probe but with the added benefit of not having to physically transport colonists to prepared worlds, but rather simply beaming a consciousness at the speed of light to the new colony to be 3d printed at the end.

It can't be done

You are just a sci-fi retard if you think you can shift the orbit of a planet in a significant way.

Even terraforming is a fantasy.

It was done already.
>golden age of Saturn and the great deluge

More CO2 in the air will help

Gas is no protection against radiation. It even travels straight through stone and metals

Why can't it? As a species, we currently have the technology to pull an asteroid from the asteroid belt and bring it back using a method called a "gravity tractor". Since all mass has a gravity well, even if small enough for you to not notice, you can use a craft about the size of the space shuttle to draw a body back to Earth and place it in a stable orbit.

The only thing stopping any nation from attempting this is that it would be prohibitively expensive to actually perform a mission, not to mention the technical know how you would need to assemble. However, all of the science and math point to this being possible, and the most likely going to be on of the first missions to actually try to bring an extra terrestrial body back to Earth.

Clearly missed the joke there huh?

Maybe don't fuck with the Neptunians next time, you dirty ringer.

Because an asteroid is the size of a bus. The earth is so many orders of magnitude larger I'm sure you are taking the piss.... or so lost in sci-fi fantasy that you have lost a grasp of what is fundamentally realistic.

Yes we can tow an asteroid. No we can't make Venus or Mars habitable, or shift thier orbits


get superman to do it

Pva glue and tape

>home from school because of vivid-19

To further build on this, you can use the energy generated from the sun and channel a part of it into a laser, thus pushing the sun away.

If that sounds crazy to you, scientists in the early 90's were using laser bursts to shoot small disk shaped craft about the size of a frisbee into the air. This is also the principle on how solar sails work. Light is energy, and is one of the few massless things in out universe that carry energy, and can transfer that energy quite easily. You can fell this energy on your skin as heat.

As far as scientists are concerned, as of yet anyway, there is no theoretical limit on the energy you can shunt into a laser. So again, all of the math points to the fact that this is possible. Our only limiting factor is access to energy, which comes from our lack of technology.

Nice sci-larping. You clearly have no knowledge of science.

Not with current technology, come back and ask in 100 years.

Stick a ring and maybe a couple more moons on Earth. Make the night sky a little more interesting.

Again I ask, why not? The same fundamental forces, like gravity and centrifugal force, that would allow us to tow an asteroid to Earth are the exact same fundamental forces that gravitationally lock a planet to the sun or hold it's spin, just on a much more massive scale.

Isaac Newton actually figured a good chunk of the math out for this while he was inventing calculus, and it took several hundred years before scientists started thinking that maybe with enough energy you could perform some of the same things the universe has been doing since it's birth.

Nightsky will soon be very interesting once Skylink is fully operational lol.