Serious Question: Why does everyone on Zig Forums hate gay guys? Please don't just answer with "cuz they're faggots"...

Serious Question: Why does everyone on Zig Forums hate gay guys? Please don't just answer with "cuz they're faggots". I want an actual reason as to why

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Males that have that extreme feminine tone to their voice, actions, gestures etc make most normal dudes disgusted.

I don’t really care who you’re into, just don’t be an obnoxious fairy faggot

Fuck off faggot

Cuz they're faggots

Because they fuck other men. In the ass. And that's fucking gay.

neo nazis hang out here. Its been that way for as long as I can remember.

It the degenerate culture surrounding gays that make people angry. If all they wanted was to be left alone and marry whoever they want, sure no problem. But that's not what it is about anymore, gay people need to wear bondage gear in streets, children need to know about drag queens and anal sex as early as possible, gay people seem to think if they aren't represented in every possible media it's a hate crime.

They're insufferable to be around and always looking for problems where there are none.

Because they’re ugly

Because more than half the people here are faggots and they hate themselves.

Shut up fag. Go back where you came from

Biologically strong males will detest weaker males. When you embody weakness and frailty you leave the world with no choice.


Shut up fag

Because they are fucking up everything.

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It became a trend to become gay and most gays today are not real gays... Don't let them fool you.

I'm on Zig Forums, I dont hate gays.
I couldn't care less what other guys do with their genetalia.

no Ima stay and make this place gayer

Honestly aside from the fact people hate what they are not used to (blacks and whites will hate eachother, muslims and christians, Catholics and jehovas, etc... we will find ANYTHING to hate eachother on, lool at bloods and crips, literally colour of clothing and area born) and sheep’s following religion, i think the only valid reason to dislike or hate gays is their spread of disease is immeasurably high and the fags won’t wear condoms even though anal makes you most prone to HIV. Other than that though I think everyone just likes to joke around. We all call eachother faggots and niggers and half of us are one or the other, if that REALLY bothered the people here they wouldn’t be here. We all have a twisted sense of love here on b/ and Zig Forums, but hey, that’s how we all came together. :)

they dont its just a meme you fool

I dislike gays, lesbians, trans, and the like because of the coverage they want on themselves. If they "only" wanted equal rights, at least regarding homosexuality, it is now done and shoud no longer be a debating matter (as for trans, I'm honestly not sure. SRS qualifies in my personal book as irreparable self-mutilation, and you gotta be sick in the head to agree to that).
However, they can't stop with that. They want ever more bullshit recognized (genderfluid, pedos, and so on), and there's a gay pride in nearly every fucking town. I honestly despise protests, especially the flashiest ones. Also because you cannot "not care" about someone being a fag. They'll want you to acknowledge them, or else you're a "neo-nazi", "homophobic pos" and so on.
It's literally a social gun to the head to talk about homosexuality to someone else. Walk the walk and praise it loud and clear (and get on your knees while you're at it), or live up to your ideals and get ready to be persecuted for them.
I don't want to live in a society like that. I'm not even an american faggot, but "give me liberty or give me death" never hit closer to home. I agree to them being whoever they want, fucking whatever they want, but I do not want to be forced to validate them, and I do not agree to having to reject what I think to enact such validation upon them.
Fight me, faggot.


What are you talking about? There are endless gay threads on Zig Forums. This is a place of unfettered free speech, so people from everywalk of life rolls here. Haters and lovers, faggot.

OP is masturbating right now. Please talk more about how much you hate fags.

On a subconcius level they perceive it as a form of emasculation.
It's a form of castration anxiety,or they perceive they own shadow (unnacepted/disliked part of their own personalities)

I'm not gay you faggot. I just don't like watching anal sex okay? Maybe that's just it... I'm not gay and I don't like watching anal sex. Periodt.

They are fudgepackers too.
Just didn't realized it yet.

Here is the tru-tru: Everyone hates faggots. Even faggots hate faggots. They hate themselves for their faggotry. Why? Because it isn't NORMAL to want to fuck someone of the same gender. You are literally going against the natural order of things. Nature doesn't care, of course, you are just a zero in the gene pool that serves no purpose, but something innate inside all of us knows that the homosexuals are zeros, and that disgusts us.

There is your absolutely true answer.

Gays are annoying but that's not why I hate them. I hate them because gay men think they don't have to respect any boundaries with women. I don't care if a guy sucks cock, but I do care if a guy thinks he can "oh honey" his way into my private life with my gf.

God I wish lynchings were still a thing

"Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, believed that every human being is bisexual in the sense of incorporating general attributes of both sexes."

The giant fairy fags ruin it for all the other gays who just wanna be left the fuck alone

>(genderfluid, pedos, and so on)
Pedos has never and will never be accepted by the LGBT community.

Cuz they're faggots

You're aware that homosexuality has been observed in many other animals and not just humans, right?

psychoanalytic theories usually postulate that homophobia is a result of repressed homosexual urges or a form of latent homosexuality

Like I said, nature doesn't care. Homosexual penguins are just as much a zero as homosexual humans or any other animal you can name.

But you haven't asked the penguins what they think of Larry and Steve trying to make a nest over there, have you?