Hey you faggot liberals that swarmed over from reddit...

Hey you faggot liberals that swarmed over from reddit, what's it like knowing your nominee is not only a hypocrite on his stance to believe all women but unlike Kavanaugh is lying and refuses to counteract the arguments. He is a pedofile and a sexual harasser.

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You cant hide from facts faggots

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What an idiot. If you are going to try and slander a great man, you should at least learn to spell.

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Nice b8

lol good

I just want him to pick AOC as his running mate to see salty tear of conservatives. I want her to declare stimulus checks that only go to women who have had abortions

How to write a Biden speech. Type "Listen here, cornpop" and use the second predictive text word until you have a full sentence.

knew that obama is up to no good

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Reminder that Chris Ray Gun spray painted his hair silver for that bit.

cornpop was no joke, ever been sliced with a rusty razor? you think you can handle tetanus son? this aint no time for malarkey

if we learned anything from Republican its that sexual assault just doesnt matter. tRump had 12 women accuse him...as well as openly admitting that he sexually assaults women and all the reactionaries could do was shrug...so thanks for setting the precedent republicans!!

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>your nominee is not only a hypocrite
it's hilarious because your guy is 25 times worse on every count, but you're here clutching pearls about biden.

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Dads do this all the time with their daughters.
It’s completely normal you fucking incels.

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When did he state that? Also you gotta admit that a few of those sexual assault claims were bogus and by people who just wanted to slander him, that was proven by none filling police reports. But considering the power he has, he probably did slip a finger at some point.

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>When did he state that?
access hollywood tape.

There is no way all 12 women are just lying for the lulz. not filing police reports is not uncommon among rape victims as they are worried they will not be believed...but tRump also has some hush $$ payouts to show for his efforts.

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Did he say that? Or was he showing him the door

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he was just trying to find a nipple to see if she was growing up yet

could be a rapist pedophile racist and still a better choice than Trump

trump is WAY worse then Biden and you republicunt assholes are fools for trying to compare the two. trump loses every time.

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Who cares about all this sexual stuff? I wouldn't care if he faps to my little pony while shoving a giant nigger dildo up his ass. To me it's about policy and the kind of leader someone will be. True, he's not ideal, but he's definitely better than the clown we have now, so I'll be voting for him. Not that it matters, my state will be red no matter what.

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>that was proven by none filling police reports
Even though the supposed incident happened in 1993, Tara Reade didn't file a police report until April 9, 2020. I'm sure it's coincidence that this also happens to be the day after he took the nomination.

Hurr durr, she isn't old enough to serve as VP according to this thing we call the "Constitution" here in 'merica.


Its unironically funny when trump does it tho

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Uh, Kavanaugh was lying.

Only trumptards think he wasn't.




Most of us don't fuck with him. We're not all hypocrites, homie.


>Deleware this.