Alt right cringe/hate thread

alt right cringe/hate thread.

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Shouldn't you be posting in a cuck thread somewhere?

i am

Ugly people usually don't get assaulted. Making fun of them is one thing but people usually feel guilty for actually beating up a fat guy.

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what about when huge groups of those ugly fat guys swarm your city, demanding you go back to your menial life making 3x less than unemployment gives? can I please beat them up now

That is every Zig Forums user personified into one man.

Well you can beat them up, but that only makes them martyrs. Plus the left has been actually harassing and beating people up at protests at an alarming rate so it would not look good for you at all. The best way to win an argument is to point out why the ways they are right and then show them why they get the big picture wrong.

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ive never seen that, but if they keep using increasingly spooky tactics, what if that lady from Michigan caves? theres dudes litteratly grabbing guns and storming the capitol, feels like an angry mob is personally coming for me and my other low immune friends.

I can't imagine I'd ever end up at a protest or rally, but red or blue I don't care, if a see a mob getting to close to me with intent to harm I'm going to pull out a knife thrust it in their direction repeatedly like a pussy.

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when you live in a capitol city, the fucking streets might turn into a trumptard protest. there were cases of shitting and pissing in lawns but the fuckers tell people that they were practicing perfect social distancing and not blocking off hospitals, we all fucking saw it.

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Anyone have that fish lipped guy holding the Meme Magic book?

"left cant meme" aka im a disgusting fat slob

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“This country has socialism for the rich, and rugged individualism for the poor.”

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, 1968

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Voting against your own fatty interests.

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Fat lard can't play real sports.

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If I had to go to the hospital and a bunch of protestors were blocking my access, I'm going to drive through them. That's not an edgy thing to say either, it's reality and human nature that when someone's life is on the line they will claw tooth and nail to live, and for me that would mean driving through you.

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They make liberals look tolerable.

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Are they allowed to be so close to a power pole like that?

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the right wing deaths squad

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I'm sure this thing votes Democrat.

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Regular on the donald. Don't forget to report all underage Trump supporters.

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>if it's legal to leave your house I have to leave my house!!!
On a scale of retard to vegetable, how low grade is your brain?

oh well then we can just run them over with our trucks because trump said it's ok

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Rebelling against my traditionally conservative parents, while feeling superior to my liberal peers.

DAMN. that's spot on.

Shitty immune systems were never meant to live, and that is just life. Be mad at nature.

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Violence is the only appropriate response to authoritarian shills. Punch a Trump supporter.

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They don't have to be tolerant of him if he lives in America, they have to deal with it.

They have no reason to cave, nobody does. State governors have constitutionally guaranteed authority in these situations. The cops would perforate them a dozen times the moment they do anything other than stand around and pose for photos.

True. Black guy in the back looks chill. He just wants to fit in with white people.


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Bottom right only has potential to be a mass shooter... Look at the dead eyes and creepy almost-smile...


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good looking women acting dumb,no surprise there

Dumb niggerfaggot. Nice of you to leave out the blocking of flights from China in Jan. The blocking of flights from Europe. Oh, and he didn't say the virus was a hoax. He said the way the democrats were blaming him for it was a hoax. You're dumb, lying or both. Get raped.