How is it that the only Americans in the United States of America have the balls to stand up for what they believe in...

How is it that the only Americans in the United States of America have the balls to stand up for what they believe in are Republican/Conservatives?
Could we get some respect and praise for the people actually trying to save our fucking country?

Gonna dump images of what they're doing in Michigan in hopes of others standing together to save this great country.

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It's because people who vote Democrat want their rights to be taken away and they want to live under nanny states. It's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention.

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US are just sons of the British.
And posing with guns are just poser, now if you have balls go out and shoot and kill people for your god given rights, other than that keep posing and bitching.

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These guys aren't saving dick, and if anybody actually thought they where a threat they'd be dead already. The cops for you out manned and out gun ten to one still. You seem really convinced that people let you do whatever you want you want because they're scared of you and not because they don't give a shit what you think. Your state governor has the constitutional authority to mandate whatever the fuck they want in public health crisis situations. The minute these jizz sacks do anything other than stand around and pose for photos they'll have a dozen fresh holes before their first magazine hits the floor and everyone knows it.

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Fucking liar, republicunts have no honor, they all lie and are all oath breakers. Not one of them has the balls to stand up to lying trump so just fuck off and die asshole.

Attached: of-protesters-entered-michigan-capitol-april-30-2020-demanding-coronavirus-lockdown-be-640x427.jpg (640x427, 43.64K)

I think this one Terrorist accidentally dropped some ammo or C4

False premise. Democrats/Lefties stand up for what they believe in, they just use different more indirect tactics like character assassination, going after a person's career, damaging property, gathering mobs to intimidate people.


In what world is a large group of armed men staring you down not an attempt at intimidation? You're definition includes Cumstain69 calling you a nazi on twitter, but not loitering in a state capital while cosplaying Solid Snake?

> balls to stand up for what they believe in

> Believe in getting a upper respiratory virus because their shithole job at the GM plant is threatened

They're just excited they can LARP as revolutionaries.

>They're just excited they can LARP as revolutionaries.

you mean like forcing meat processing plants to stay open?

Trumptards want to take everyone else's rights and lives away.

These fake protestors are paid for by known gun-nut groups.

Fuck them

so they dress up as rambos to slow the spread of the virus?

speak the truth bro!

If these morons had balls, they wouldn't need to hide behind their guns.

There is a black man who kneels at football games. There was a huge March on Washington after Trump was elected. Liberals protest all the time so OP I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.

what exactly are they doing for their country? besides standing around looking like fat retards with guns and spreading corona

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These people are not patriots or heroes.

Nobody's denying they'd lose in the short term but there would be a lot of dead cops and that will help dictate policy and their agenda because nobody wants a bunch of dead cops.

Except for the edgy Zig Forums teens.

Its funny when people still don't understand why Trump was elected.

This was a Blackwater psyop, retard.

michigan is a democrat state

also,republicans/conservatives dont.why do you think they've put up with trump's shit

fuckin fat boy on the right looks like he’s gonna pass out if he doesn’t sit down soon

Yeah and when they get COVID they'll only have a 0.02% chance of surviving.. and that's not even counting the very mild or people who show no symptoms.

"Amazing. Every word of what you just said.. was wrong."

Found the liberal cunt.

Prove to me they're some weird psyop, come on, I'm curious

Leftists don't stand up for shit. When they get mad they go online to safe spaces and find like-minded pussies to cry to.

The people on the right get mad about something they go to the voting booth. Sadly when they're content they ignore it which lets you fucking commies slip one in from time to time.

Found the braindead asshole.

Attached: 565DDCBD-F45B-4662-9955-4077E8468879.jpg (750x536, 89.58K)

Bunch of posers, not one of them is wearing elbow or knee pads, that's the sort of shit you need when bullets start actually flying and you need to hit the ground.

No one is trying to take way "muh freedoms..."
It's an inconvenience... it's a pain in the ass.
It's not having your rights trampled on.
Get over yourselves.

Chance of surviving Kung Flu? Pretty damn good.

Chanes of surviving endless unemployment brought on by crying liberal babies sitting at home watching Tik-Tok videos? Not so good.

LARPing as revolutionaries.... You mean like the Commie youth and their Che shirts? Nope.

>When they get mad they go online to safe spaces and find like-minded pussies to cry to.

he says,while watching his president on twitter cry everyday

the people on the right are to lazy and stupid to stand up for shit.and forget the voting booth,you'll be back votin for trump even though he took a massive shit on the constitution

cringe but tru

Outside of the middle-east I cannot imagine any place in the world where people will brazenly have a protest with all those guns.

It is intimidation not democracy.

Sadly no. They have been denied their Constitutional rights to fully automatic weapons, artillery, and explosives. They will barely slow the virus down with this civilian grade shit.

If they had the good stuff though?


I lol'd

Looked in the mirror did you?

you dont think that if the Military or police were ordered to kill all those faggot rednecks wont do it? they would all be dead in less than an hour if the government wanted to kill them


Imagine their mindset, this is how they think tough people look and act. Grown adults wanting a chance to show off their toys masquerading as constitutional crusaders, all because they now have to get drunk at home with their families instead of going to a bar. This is true entitlement

>imagine if it were a bunch of minorities doing this shit

MFW I've got a bag and I'm going to insist that the bag stays if you want to go back to your shitty factory job you fucking wage cuck. Meanwhile working from home. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps you fucking pussies. Learn2Code. Faggots.