Anyone else have a tiny penis?
Anyone else have a tiny penis?
Got kik?
3.3 inches erect
I don't.
its tiny cause im fat
those panties, are you a trap/cd? post those pics
what a cute little clit you have
My CHEATING ex bf had a small as fuck penis. I'll post his pics and social media if y'all are interested
trips for pics, don't bother posting some dudes fb no one gives a shit
>Anyone else have a tiny penis?
Most of the cast of south park
I'll post his snap that way if someone wants to ruin his Friday lol
i want to transition (mtf). I have a 5.5" penis i have been trying to shrink. Already down from 6"! A mini chastity cage is helping. I am jealous for your cute penis!
got before and after pics?
i do not, sorry bud
:'( you should start taking progress pics then post them
Anyone interested?
yeah you're probably right, i have not thought about it to be honest. I have not had laser hair removal yet but i have been shaving down there so hopefully it's not too "manly" looking
Just post his dick.
nope, but wish I could experience what it's like having one
Mines really small when flacid like yours but when I'm erect im like 7 inches.
13 cm when erect:/
and white men wonder why no women want them
kek. you just don't understand the true spirit of the chan. we're nihilistic anarchists… with a twist.
we don't care if they were innocent (who is truly innocent, anyway)
we just want to watch the world burn
how do you even get that past buttcheeks
lol i like how he takes the time to shave his pubes
Do it
Dmvdown4nasty is kik
If I didnt itd be completely hidden. :/
imagine how alpha you have to be to fuck multiple women with a dick like that. to even be willing to show your dick to a woman at all.