Is it gay to like the taste of girl cum?

Is it gay to like the taste of girl cum?

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Only if balls touch is it gay

Well then

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No, obviously.

its gay


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yes if you are a girl

How 'bout your own OP, ever tried that? That's definitely not gay, seeing as stroking your own cock isn't either.

Definitely have eaten my share of my own loads. They're kinda gross. Like licking a permanent marker or glue.

The fuck is wrong with you?
Yes its fucking gay

>touching a cock to get a man off isn't gay
I knew things were bad but this....

it's literally cum from a girl, how can it be gay unless you a girl too lmao

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Preach, brother

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Still hot though!

Your own you idiot.

>girl cum
Do you mean girl (male) cum? Or girl (female) grool?

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I would love a glass of Baileys

the stuff that squirts out

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holy fuck. this made me diamonds.

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I like giving pleasure and tonging a cunt is a fun way to do so. And tasting the tangy flavor let's me know if I am doing it right.

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spray the gay away

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i mean i would give anything to throat bailey's cock but if it'a cum from a dick it's from a bio male and a little bit gay, not full on but just a lil

This was peak Bailey for me. If I ran into her at a bar and we hit it off, I wouldn't have been made she had a dick. Fat Bailey is kinda gross


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Please be clear about your question, u say "girls cum" then u post severely mentally ill man pictures.

How the mighty have fallen. It’s true though. Fat Bailey still cool cuz I read where she’s actually just that. But nowhere near as fuckable as skinny Bailey

You think girls cant have dicks you colossal faggot?

i understand how you feel that, either way at the end of the day what a dream to be able to suck that fat cock

Hear her moan as she comes. Fuck yeah

Bailey spends most of her days fluffing her husband and blue ball jerking off. If you had a real.shot at sucking her dick she'd explode

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> virgins that don't understand female anatomy

Anyone subscribe you Bailey's site?
Is that the best place to get her stuff?
Yeah yeah, I know you can get shit free, but I'm lazy and just want access to everything quickly.

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it would be like winning the lottery 5 times in a row
>tfw you'll never be married to one of the greatest shemales of all time
why live

>she'd explode
into my mouth, hopefully. I'd do a shot of Bailey's.

Are you talking about cum from a vagina or cum from a dick?

At this point "being gay" just means enjoying any kind of sexual contact with another person. Straight people don't have sex, they masturbate using human body parts as sex toys.

So yes, it's gay. It's even more gay if you don't taste it because she grabs the back of your head and drives balls deep into your throat, shooting her girl cum right into your stomach. And the afterglow where she can't stop kissing you and telling you what a good boy you are? Also very gay.