
Epic God Tier Platinum Edition


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does white only mean . . . boomer memes?

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the thread is for WHITES ONLY

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It means inly whites can post, the way the good Lord intended Zig Forums to be when he created it.

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it's nice that white people can still find fun in all this suffering

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It's a shitskin corpse.

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that doesn't actually work. Doctors tried severing the auditory nerve on the most severe cases, causing permanent deafness. But the ringing- and now only the ringing- remained.

Turns out it's a feedback loop in the audio portion of the brain. Like holding a mic too close to a speaker.

The patients mostly killed themselves btw.

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Haunted Hill or the sequel?

Ishuzoku reviewers btw

I wonder how Link is going to explain to Zelda why he was late rescuing her?

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