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Huh bitch? Who's fault that was.
Missile target!
Why these degenerates are fighting tooth and nail.
this is their waterloo.
You think anyone else in the world would give those mother fuckers jobs?
After 9/11 This place should have been toast! I would happily crash a plane into it. Yelling! "Payback you scum sucking rodents"
What's with the white dude
Those 'women' were given jobs with the police, so they could be kept in full sight.
Not to be taken seriously.
Only one who knows what the fuck he is talking about. Not a coincidence.
Muddy often had white guys in his bands.
Having me 'sire' their children was their punishment.
For conspiring to murder me.
Mafia shit.
There’s a big cube in that parking garage.
Demonically possessed is the opposite of immortal.
Rather than work my way all the way around backfrom bad to good, I took the wormhole.
Not advised.
In that circle, there is that little wall, that shortcut, lots of bones there.
There weren't time enough in the day to go all that way back.
That was their whole tact.
When we started looting bodies is when they saw enough.
Thing is, no one would believe a word of this.
That woman is a biker who killed her husband for the money. Drug dealer. Paying for police protection.
They were going to murder me at Midas in Hightstown. 3 bikers were there. Only one employee who was being kept in the garage. I would be tired after walking 6 miles. Pretty sure the police were complicit.
Thing is my parents miraculously showed up as I was leaving and gave me a ride.
Could tell by the looks on their faces, they could tell how 'poor'' I was. They were not going to kill me in front of my mother. They were lied to.
Ask my mother, she is not an idiot.
Looks a bit like my daughter.
East windsor, mafia town.
After that failure, they turned to mexican landscapers who are obviously related to white people in this area.
Since I know their faces.
Saw them all drop one by one, except for the horse woman.
yeah bomb a religious site in an allied country to the US to prove it to an Afghan/Paki group! retard
These cock smokers can not get away with anything now.
Have not had sex with anyone since about 96 at the earliest.
Fuck if I know when that shit happened, they are obviously 21 at least.
"When was I out for 3 months?"
"Pretend you did not see that, trust me."
If I had, had sex with anyone else since then, I would be dead, pretty sure about that.
Being 'poor' in NJ, not much danger there.
Tried to turn me into a sex addict, had already done that as a boy.
Tried to make me violent, I am completely innocent, unless you fuck with innocent people in front of me.
The worst transgressors are the pumpkin heads now.