>No auto save, have to actually invest time into the game until you reach a save point >Games give 0 fucks about you being a retard who fucks up and has to redo the last 20 minutes >Games are genuinely demanding of your attention and cognitive abilities to solve puzzles and manage resources despite the primitive technology >Story is always to the point and full of environmental storytelling due to size constraints >Average team size is 12 people, leading to games being a genuine artistic collaboration between real people >You get a nice thick booklet telling you the controls and if you don't read it then GET FUCKED because there's no in game tutorials or handholding >No quest markers, no minimap telling you exactly where to go and what to do when you get there, no constant popups
>Game auto saves every 3 seconds removing any tension concerning progress and giving the player one more reason to switch off his brain >Games checkpoint you every time you enter a new room, meaning if you die you ultimately lose nothing not even your time >Games are braindead timewasters a 3 year old could beat by mashing buttons, absolutely 0 brainpower required >Story is meandering, poorly paced and full of the writers personal political statements about modern life to appeal to game journo's >Average team size is 250+ people, leading to games being designed by committee and having absolute no SOUL >Constantly assaulted by tutorials and prompts and glowing quest markers and highlighted objects and batman vision footprint tracker mode
you forgot ps3: how do i leave my small town if im on probation for being black? and god traps me here. god traps me here its all gods fault and im black
>live in rural area >on probation for being black >no stores >no amusement parks >no concerts >people are too poor to travel >just sad pick up truck driving retards everywhere >coldest winters in the world >nothing to do >no concerts >no malls >no places to buy things >no hobbies >no people to do things with >house is 300 years old >parents are Poor >parents room fucking stinks like mildew like fucking crazy entire house is destroyed >dont upgrade it at all >windows are covered in old chipping lead paint >house is leaking all over it rains >live in cold as fuck constant rainy and windy climate >house is shit >full of lead and mold >health is failing >eyes are black >always look tired >narcolepsy >cant function >cant do anything >always look like i have cancer >nothing to do around at all >literally nothing >20-40 miles away from small villages with nothing in them >7 hours away from a major city thats impossible to visit because of village poverty >no one around in my town at all >the only people I know are angry scizophrenic lunatics >my town is literally 2 roads and a couple houses >nothing to do at all and its cold 7-9 months out of the year >too cold to outside snowing and windy as fuck half the time >not one girl around >house is freezing cold >cant even leave room
I keep seeing white people in nice looking suburban homes. I FUCKING HATE GOD
>muh ps1 games were so h4rdcore yeah, never finished an nes game
Elijah Harris
This is a good post.
>You get a nice thick booklet
Goddamn, I miss that. I have some Super Famicom games, and the instruction booklets are thick, colourful, glossy things.
Aiden Reed
I've beaten time cop I'll have u kno
Eli Jackson
I finished the first three Ninja Gaidens.
I even beat Ghouls ‘N Ghosts once.
Nathan Smith
^^^^^^^^ Nodoby in this entire thread is stronger than this guy
Adam Jones
OP is a gentlemen and scholar. That shit had so many good games
Christian Parker
I could only dream to be as radical as that!
Luke Walker
did you have the game as a kid or did you revisit it as an adult?
Jayden Davis
It was the Golden Age of SquareSoft, Konami, hell, most of the large Japanese development houses.
Gabriel Morgan
Not so fast. Allegedly someone beat Assault amphibians. Unless it's the same guy.
Levi Watson
I have done it. If you were a kid with a nintendo, these were some of the hardest challenges. Still to this day i can usually beat that battletoads level with the walls and driving bullshit first try. Fuck ghouls and ghosts. One of the shittiest games i have ever played. But it is hard as fuck
turbo tunnel is super fucking easy compared to ninja gaiden 2 or 3.
Cameron Edwards
Mom has had enough of your shit, and finally decides on getting that abortion she should have gotten 15 years ago.
Jace Stewart
I never actually got to play Battletoads.
The hardest game I ever beat was Eïnhander for the PS1. Not because I beat it, but because I beat it on the hardest setting, and earned a perfect-S score in every category.
In other nerd cred, I could beat pic-related on maximum difficulty with one quarter.
I miss the ability to either spend time grinding and just absolutely bulldoze through, fucking crushing everything in your wake or.... play through underleveled and make every hit count and hope for a little luck. The only good thing with newer systems is a openworld play (fallout, skyrim, etc) that literally doesnt have any particular order to do shit. Even with that, they were still in their prime during no-online play era. Basically the internet ruined gaming.
Mason Moore
Yeah, SquareSoft had to merge with Enix, Konami fucked over their single best asset in Kojima...
Capcom doesn’t seem to have fucked up too badly.
Kayden Cook
Ya it is just one level compared to 2 games. I didnt struggle with part 2 at all. Still my favorite. Shit i still consider knocking Tyson out harder than all this.
Alexander Lewis
Are you fucking retarded? Also gay station has always been trash, pussy.
Love both of these games. Einhander is one of those odd gems i forget about till i see it. I was a Street fighter 2 turbo arcade rat myself. That was and is still my shit. I can beat that in arcade and console hardest setting, first try.
Elijah Morris
>gay station
You know you have to eighteen to post here, right?
Gabriel Clark
Love to see ps1 threads, I'm a huge collector for ps1/2. Games these days are mostly trash. As someone else in this thread said, soulless. Ps1 games in particular really take you to a different world when you get into them.
Fuck all of what OP said. The thing i miss the most is the feeling of novelty, when you boot up a game on your tele holding a weird shaped plastic brick feeling like an alien jewish lizard but when you see it working its like landing on the Moon.
Einhander is one of the few I don't have. Couldn't catch a good deal before the price skyrocketed for complete copies in good condition. Heard great things about it though
Brayden Nelson
Oh, and special, extra credit for Xenogears.
If I had fuck-you levels of money, I would throw it at the designers of that game to get a true remake.
Julian Young
Kh 3 and resident evil remakes plus a few others have save points you filthy casual
I never would have thought Square would create one of the best shooters ever, but they did.
Brandon Diaz
Goddam i miss seeing arcades everywhere. The feeling of beating a strangers ass or owning the stick for hours is unrivaled. The crowds around the Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat arcades was fuckin insane. Fights breaking out. New friends made and lost. Good times
As an 80s kid I beat werewolf, ninja gaiden, mario 1, 2 & 3, zelda, final fantasy 1, dragon warrior 1, bubble bobble bobble and river city ransom. In the limited time i spent behind an nes. The rest of the time we were beating eachother senless getting into trouble breaking windows plaing street hockey tackle football. Fuck I miss the 80s/90s
Ryan Johnson
Saving is a waste of cpu
Ayden Thomas
Really hoping virtual reality becomes a big thing and really evolves. That's the new frontier honestly
Ian Thompson
There are still lots of arcades here in Japan, but the atmosphere is very different.
You must be old enough to remember the custom of placing your quarter in the edge of the screen to mark your turn for the next game.
Cooper Evans
I've got something like a couple hundred for ps1 I think. Every horror game, nearly every rpg, nearly every good platformer. And a few unique ones
Elijah Harris
>beat Bubble Bobble
Damn, man, respect.
Hunter Wilson
Yeah same. I keep up with it, but havnt bought one yet. Looks like its almost time tho. I saw a bunch of VR porn that impressed me so i think its about time for me to get involved kek.
>Story is always to the point and full of environmental storytelling You little whippersnappers and your stories. Forty years later I still don't know which one of us was Yar.