YLYL 17:09 02/05/2020

YLYL 17:09 02/05/2020

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Ttttttoday Junior

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why did someone shoop a monster can in his hand?

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I see how this is funny. but the retard has to explain what we see and already know

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It's a pretty articulate breakdown

Keked even harder

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It's a metaphor for the monster he's carrying

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It makes you feel like that one picture with the photoshopped fork for no reason

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>Me, an intellectual
Then it shouldn't take you too long to figure out that the reason your intellectual ass didn't get any free money is that the earthquake set off the tilt sensor which shut and locked the door in the chute.

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You only know this because you sperged out after your tendy money didn't yield you more quarters.

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someone has a real hate boner for reddit

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