Shota thread

Shota thread.

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Get this gay shit out of here

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I want shotas to take female hormones

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I want you to be made into a sex slave for horny, female hormone-free shotas

That sounds great tbh
Will they sit on my face

Anyone else have fun childhood stories experimenting as a shota? Don't mind sharing mind if people want

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I had a boyfriend from the time I was 12 to the time I was 16. He was 16 at the start and 20 at the end. I had genuine puppy love for him and thought we'd be together forever, but we got reckless one night and had sex in our garage and my dad heard it and walked in on me bent over the hood of mom's car. He grabbed a baseball bat and genuinely tried to kill him. I'm really glad my dad didn't actually hit him, but we had to break up after that.

So much experimenting. The thing I figured out iI that I'm a maschostistic hedonist.

Fun times.

How'd you guys know each other?

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We first met when I was really young. I was 5 or 6 years old and I finally got permission to take our dog for a walk on my own but only just around the block we lived on no further. Our dog saw a squirrel and pulled me down and got loose, that was the first time I skinned my knee. It happened in front of his house and he happened to be outside at the time. Our dog was well behaved and didn't run off when he heard me crying, he came back right without even getting 10 feet from where I fell. The boy he later became my boyfriend ran out and picked me up and took me inside along with our dog and washed my knee with hydrogen peroxide. He told me it'd hurt but it had to be done and if I were a tough boy I wouldn't cry. After that he used tweezers to pick bits of gravel out of my knee and told me that I was such a brave tough man for not crying while he did that. After that we were basically inseparable. A bit of an embarrassing story, I accidentally hit redial on our phone once thinking the last number called was my mom, but it was his house, and his mom picked up, and I called her mom before realizing it wasn't my mom.

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Aww. that's a really sweet and wholesome story. Do you guys still keep in contact?

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No. Never spoke to him again after my dad caught us. Saw him around from time to time, but never talked to him.

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That's sad :(

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Catboys > Catgirls

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Nice to see even a little foot action.

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The first time I fooled around with a friend we were having a sleepover at his place. He wanted to teach me a game his cousin had taught him. He got me to pull my shorts down and started jerking me off. Obviously I did the same for him. From there I basically started jerking off every night. We kept fooling around basically until we were 18.

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Was for the best anyway. Even if my dad had been understanding about it, it's astronomically unlikely that the relationship would have worked out as a permanent thing.

All shotas must be patted

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how old are you now?


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I want shota butt sweat all over my face