Story of me molesting a 12yo when I was 15

Story of me molesting a 12yo when I was 15.

>be 15
>hanging out at friend’s house with other nerd friends
>playing D&D
>have to take a piss
>go to guest bath and hear the bath faucet running and friend’s sister singing inside
>go down the hall (to the master bathroom in the parent’s room)
>friend’s mom sees me
>"what're you doing, user?"
>"I have to use the bathroom"
>"user, use the guest bathroom"
>"yeah but I think someone's taking a bath"
>"user, she’s 12....just tell her you need to share the bathroom with her"
>go back to guest bathroom, knock and head in
>sister is washing herself in the bubble bath singing to the radio
>she sees me and stands up completely naked "Oh hi user!"
>mental camera going off like crazy
>tight body, long legs, small tits
>wispy tuft of hair just above her pussy
>you could still see her lips and a little bit of clit peeking out
>"user do you need the bathtub?"
>JFC she's not embarrassed or anything
>know that her and her brother were homeschooled up to 5th grade
>immediately assume this is a byproduct of their homeschooling
>", I need to use the toilet"
>she shrugs, sits back in the water, and keeps singing
>she and I are usually pretty indifferent to each other
>I wonder if this is going to make things weird between us
>doesn't matter, have to piss
>toilet is right next to the tub
>try to face away from her
>mind racing with impure thoughts as I pull it out and piss

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>finish pissing, flush, about to zip up
>"user you don't wipe after you pee?"
>"that's dirty"
>"guys don't need to wipe. we can just shake it a little"
>"no way"
>she says it with this snotty voice (she knows it annoys the living fuck out of me)
>turn to face her with my dick out
>expecting her to be grossed out and that'll be that
>she didn't think I'd call her bluff, I guess
>"ohmygodanon" she laughs but then just looks at me expectantly
>demonstrate the piss shake
>"user I still think you should wipe"
>I shrug and tell her so then wipe it
>put my hips closer to her,
>she rolls her eyes and grabs her wash cloth
>then she reaches out and washes the head of my dick
>she's humming to the music while she does it
>after a minute she stops and I'm like no keep going
>"it's clean, user"
>"no I mean like this"
>show her how to stroke my dick
>"ha ha user I know what you're trying to get me to do"
>"I'm not trying to trick you, I'm asking you because it feels good"
>she's like fine
>jerks me off for a minute
>I'm close, start to tense up
>she stops like she's confused
>"no keep doing it, it's good"
>she keeps pumping
>shoot into the bubble bath
>she stands up and watches gross-fascinated
>catch my breath and thank her
>"eh whatever user...guess I'm done with my bath"
>tell her, "uh you probably shouldn't tell anyone about this"
>"uh-DUHH I'm not stupid user"
>god I hate the way she says that
>head back to friend's room
>see her go into her room across the hall
>act weird around her brother the rest of the night

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>still be 15
>show up at friend's house to hang out
>nobody's home
>ain't this some bullshit
>start to leave when sister rides up on her bicycle
>"hi user, you stalking me now?"
>"uh what no"
>"jk user, come on in"
>embarrassed because this 12yo girl is more suave than me
>she could easily hang out with us and hold her own if we weren't such tools
>she says parents are out and she doesn't know where her bro is (my friend)
>"user I'm hungry, are you hungry?"
>she runs into the kitchen and starts making sandwiches (I know, I know,)
>keep her company
>at one point she's digging in the fridge for stuff
>hey user look
>she pulls out a hot dog and jiggles it in her fist like a limp dick
>this cracks her up big time
>after that she's super chatty
>I'm listening but also...suspicious
>like I said before, up until now we've always pushed each other's buttons and now we're being civil
>we eat sandwiches and talk
>"by the way user I never told anyone know"
>I know EXACTLY what she's talking about
>"good. uh, me neither"
>that makes her laugh
>"user you can't tell on ME, you're the one who told me to do it"
>"well I'm glad you didn't tell anyone"
>"hey user want to see my room?"
>we go chill in her room
>typical girl's room I guess, but it's very tidy
>"it's weird, user, I never had a boy in my room before, not even guy-friends"

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>"let's watch TV user"
>she's got one of those futon-under-the-bunk-bed things so I sit down
>she turns TV on to the Disney Channel or some shit
>she sits, then stretches out and lays against me
>"ooof, user, I'm stuffed"
>she pats her stomach
>after a minute she grabs my arm and puts it around her
>again: "ooof my tummy user"
>rub her tummy and she likes it
>I'm going to test this
>move my hand away
>she moves it back
>because I'm horny and stupid that's a green light as far as I'm concerned
>doing slow circles on her stomach with my hand
>gradually pushing her shirt up, working my hand underneath it
>skin on skin now
>her stomach is flat
>start circling a finger around her belly button
>this whole time she's laughing or chatty about what's on TV
>"this show is so stupid I don't know why I watch it" or "her hair looks weird" etc etc
>move my hand up to her ribs
>she's not wearing a bra
>without hesitation she lifts her back up to loosen her shirt in front and make room for my hand
>the moment my fingers pass over her small tits she stops talking
>I can hear her hold her breath
>soft mounds, no hard nipples or anything
>just goose bumps, then that ultra smooth, velvety texture of her nips
>work my way back down to her waist
>she does a shakey, nervous exhale
>guilt washes over me
>she's 12 user, what the fuck
>but my dick says keep going
>"hey, uh, is with you?"
>she nods
>she reaches around my arm and undoes her shorts (doesn't pull them down)
>I don't know why but that detail sticks out vividly in my mind
>her hands on my hand while she undid her shorts because she WANTED me to touch her...

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>get a couple of fingers under the waistband of her underwear
>move to the side to feel that valley where her tight stomach meets her soft legs
>I can't overstate how soft and smooth she is
>lower and lower until my fingers brush across her wispy pubes
>then across the top of her pussy lips
>she brings her feet to her butt and splays out her knees
>part her lips with a finger and do slow circles right over her vagina
>her pussy isn't wet at first
>but she goes from bone dry to soaking wet in 10 seconds
>oh it's on now
>I full on molest her while the Disney Channel plays in the background
>nothing crazy like jamming two fingers in
>just trying my best to get this 12yo girl off
>while I'm rubbing her like I'm trying to start a fire she clamps her thighs together and sits up
>I'm still spasming my whole arm like an idiot
>I'm like oh yeah she's totally cumming
>she grabs my arm
>"user would you stop already!"
>"huh what?"
>then I hear it too
>car keys jingling
>muffled talking
>her parents are home
>I pull out my hand
>action-movie dive out of her room and into friend's room across the hall
>realize my fingers are still wet and shiny with sister's juices
>suck my fingers (heaven)
>mom pokes her head in
>"hey user..."
>pull my fingers out like it's normal, like yeah just sucking my fingers and chillin, sup?
>"...we sent him on an errand; he'll be back in a little bit"
>mom turns around to sister's room
>hear mom ask "are you okay?"
>"yeah mom I was...riding my bike around"
>mom says they need help putting away the groceries and walks away
>I look over and find the sister looking back at me from her room
>to her credit she DOES look like she's been riding a bike
>she looks a little out of breath and her cheeks are beet red
>she rolls her eyes and mouths "sorry about that"
>I gesture back, "no big deal"
>mom calls after her and she runs out

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>a few weekends later
>been over a bunch of times since
>the sister's cool about things
>nobody notices that she'll put a hand on my shoulder sometimes
>or that she'll interrupt a D&D session to say hi to me
>but nothing more happens
>she's NOT teasing me with the new thong she bought
>her friends AREN'T approaching me to teach them how to have sex
>nothing like how this shit goes down in all the other greentext stories
>a real bummer for me
>one Sunday morning I'm over, nerding it up with my nerd friends
>the mom calls brother out
>he comes back pissed off
>he's gotta take his sister and her friends to the pool
>eh fuck it, why don't we all just go to the pool then
>chubby user makes an excuse not to go because he's embarrassed to have his shirt off
>rest of us are in
>meet back up in 10 minutes in our swim shorts and towels
>escort mission begins
>pool is crowded
>prepared to gawk at cameltoes, ass, and titties all day but be bored nonetheless
>sister asks me to launch her into the air
>I do
>sister is comfortable with me = her friends are comfortable with me
>they all want to be launched into the air over and over
>my friends are laughing at me for being stuck with the girls
>fuck you guys
>start to have a good time with a bunch of 12 year olds despite myself
>let them stand on my shoulders, piggy back rides, etc
>honestly nothing pervy...until...
>she's riding piggy back and her legs slip off
>reach back, grab her ass cheeks to lift her up
>holy shit I'm palming both her ass cheeks in public
>her ass is soft and feels nice
>reposition my hands real fast back to her knees
>she laughs and whispers in my ear
>"user everybody will see"
>it takes me a moment to understand she's not saying "no," but "be careful"
>"uh, nah, nobody's paying attention to us"
>"ok user. but we better not get caught"

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>announce that I need a break
>her friends go do their own thing
>sister stays on my back, head resting on me
>I lower us so only our heads are above the water
>slowly rub my hands along the backs of her thighs
>enjoying her skin and, honestly, the closeness
>after a minute she bumps her hips into me
>sorta humping at my back
>realize she WANTS me to move my hands up
>slide my hands up to her ass
>squeeze and play with her butt
>hear her breathing right next to my ear
>move my fingers in and start rubbing between her legs over her bathing suit
>use one finger and do small circles around her pussy
>press my finger in a little
>she stiffens and squeaks
>"huh? you don't like that?"
>"well I've never done...that"
>my coordination must've been off from reaching backwards
>or I'm an idiot
>realize I just put a fingertip into her butthole
>"oh sorry sorry"
>I move my fingers forward
>she relaxes
>I get frustrated by how little I can feel through her bathing suit
>pull it to the side
>feel her amazing pussy lips again
>she's wet
>water wet, yes, but also WET wet
>there's a distinct slippery difference between the water and her pussy wetness
>get a finger in and start sliding it in and out
>one of her friends swims up out of nowhere
>"hey user do you want to--"
>the sister screams "NOT RIGHT NOW CHELSEA user'S TAKING A BREAK!"
>"ok geez"
>her friend swims off

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>I'm slowly float-walking us around the pool so as to not look suspicious
>people are swimming and playing right next to us
>above the water: nothing strange going on here
>below the water: I'm 2 knuckles deep into this little girl
>raging boner tenting up my shorts
>guilt washes over me again
>then she presses her chest into my back and sorta whimpers
>all traces of guilt destroyed
>my eyes pass over one of the lifeguards twice before I notice
>he's staring at us from his chair with the whistle in his mouth
>he tilts his head like he's trying to figure out if we're doing something we shouldn't be doing
>we are, Mr. Lifeguard, very much so
>tell her "hey I have to stop"
>"user noooo..."
>she starts rocking her hips
>the way girls can just rock their pelvis without moving anything else
>she's literally fucking my finger
>softly in my ear "uhn....mmm....oh"
>not like pornstar moans, just like it feels good
>I become super aware of my boner
>the cool water currents running up my shorts
>the way my dick's head rubs against the fabric when it twitches
>can't help it
>I cum
>I must look like a freak, spazzing out with her on my back in the middle of the pool
>Annnnnd we're caught
>look up at the lifeguard, clearly guilty
In my head:
But really:
>the lifeguard is pointing at two of my idiot friends
>one had tried to pants the other
>they got kicked out so we all decided to leave with them
>a fresh wave of panic hits me as I imagine her loudly proclaiming us bf/gf now
>but she was just as cool as before
>when we all parted ways we both looked back at each other and she gave me a little wave bye

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>got invited to go camping for a weekend with friend and his family
>the parents obviously don't know I've finger-banged their 12yo daughter
>actually she's 13 now, having had a birthday recently
>be camping at state park campground
>spend the day hiking and shit
>get back to camp
>friend's sister is pestering the mom to go to the showers with her
>mom's exhausted and just wants to relax by the fire
>dad agrees to go
>but mom points out that he's supposed to cook dinner
>if he goes it won't be ready for a while
>feel like this is an opportunity to be alone with the sister to talk about our situation
>I'm still worried that she'll tell people about us
>"I'll go with her. I need a shower."
>my friend's like "please go, I can smell you from over here har har har har"
>perfect nobody suspects a thing
>we get our shower crap together and head out
>closest showers are kinda busy with people
>we decide to head to the further shower house
>besides we're enjoying talking
>she's so easy to talk to
>and smarter than she lets on
>I finally ask her "so about us, you know, fooling around?"
>she gets a little down
>oh fuck
>I molested this girl and fucked her up for life
>what the fuck is wrong with me
>"do we have to stop doing it, user?"
>wait what?
>I tell her "I mean if you're okay with it..."
>she perks up
>"oh! Ha! I thought you were gonna say we had to stop."
>explain about how I think we can't be bf/gf though
>"uh DUH, user. It wouldn't work. We're in different grades. And I don't want anybody to know I've been fooling around with a guy who plays Dice & Dragons."
>"It's Dungeons & Dragons"
>she almost falls over laughing
>burned by a 13yo
>still...I...I think she just gave me the green light to be her fuck buddy?
>molestation buddy?
>we get to the shower house
>looks deserted
>she follows me over to the men's side, which confuses me
>"user, check if anybody's inside."

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>I look around the men's showers
>come out to tell her nobody is inside
>she pushes past me and comes in
>"hey user the handicap showers are the best"
>this is true
>they are far more spacious, have a private dressing area, and a bench in the shower stall
>even if someone came in now they'd never see her in there
>she starts stripping
>I'm staring at her amazing body
>she has an ass with a gap that gives you a peek at her pussy and butthole from behind
>more curves than I noticed before
>the tan lines oh god the tan lines
>she sees me staring and shakes her head
>motions for me to take off my clothes
>why isn't she talking?
>OH she thinks someone might hear her voice in the men's room
>take so long to get naked she gives up on me and starts showering
>finally head in
>she's shampooing her hair while I get wet under the spray
>just showering together in silence
>then she rinses off her hair
>watch her look me over while she wrings out her hair, the way girls pull all their hair to one side and tilt their head
>she's so relaxed and open around me
>it's beyond erotic and my horny switch gets flipped
>I make the first move and start washing her back and butt
>she dutifully stands in place letting me soap her up
>poke a finger at her butthole and she slaps my hand away, making me laugh
>she washes me, but skips over my dick area
>I'm like aww come on
>so she starts washing my dick carefully, as if she wants to do a good job, like that first time in the bathroom
>we rinse off, but she's still working the washcloth over my body
>using it as an escuse to touch me I think
>she works her way back to my dick and starts jerking me off
>I point to her mouth and then my dick
>she looks confused
>mouth. dick.
>she shrugs "what"
>whisper "use your mouth"
>she's not getting it
>"YOUR MOU-- your mouth."
>she nods, understanding, then makes a face and shakes her head "ewww no"
>"we'll take turns. I'll do it for you too."
>she eyes me suspiciously

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