What should the age of consent be?

What should the age of consent be?

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if you disagree, you just want to touch kids


Why is a person who’s 17 years and 8 months old a kid but they magically become an adult when they hit 18?

I think the most reasonable is for it to be compound.
so it is legal for 15-19 year olds to fuck each other but anyone 20 and over can only fuck people 18+. that way teenagers can have their fun, but it doesn't allow older nonces to fuck them.
this should obviously be with mandatory sex education in schools so u dont get 15 years olds having kids

18. Period.

Fucking cunts

Is that because someone told you it should be 18?

Why even bring age in to it if at the end of the day, consent is given by a yes or a no?


because there are older people that would enjoy to fuck kids and teenagers rather than people their own age and that's sick

I have to wait one year so I can legally have sex with my girlfriend.

What state do you live in user?

Nope, that's perfectly normal.
Guys fucking other guys, no matter the ages, now that's sick.

It was a joke, but its NY.

No, cuz I don't wanna fuck kids. Seems like I don't speak for all of us


Cause its the law pedo

So how did you arrive to the fact that magically being 18 makes you an adult?


puberty + 2yrs

half your age plus seven

The age of consent for all intents and purposes is 18. People failing to understand this are stupid


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So youre calling whole countries stupid because they dont follow your arbitrary rules?

No, people who think Japan's age of consent is 13 when it for all intents and purposes isn't.

You will be shunned if you have sex with a 13yo and to do so without any parental consent is essentially illegal.

Well if those kids want to have sex with adults I blame the terrible parents.

There are 18 year old women who still look like kids.

Did I say anything about 13? Plenty of the world has 16 as their aoc. Whats wrong with that?

I was responding to OPs pic


-9 months. -1yr just to be safe

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I like Florida's laws 16 is consensual but only until you are 24 realistically people in that age range could fuck at parties,quick hookups, etc. It happens more then you think.