Is it true they secretly love BLACKED as people say?
Is it true they secretly love BLACKED as people say?
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It's no secret...
No, it's anti-white leftists that post that garbage.
They also fantasize with being fucked by MtF trannies
Who knows? They certainly think about, and vividly imagine, black guys more than I do, insofar as my porn folders represent my taste in men.
The BLACKED meme triggered those incels so badly that every time blacks are mentioned, they immediately think big black cocks
Not only do the love BLACKED, they themselves, being massive faggots, want to be BLACKED themselves.
Yep you love it alright, don't you you little whore.
It’s not only a meme you know.
>watching porn with girls in it
Zig Forums and Zig Forums are flooded with it purposely 24/7, there’s no agenda behind it I swear. Just scroll thru the catalog and count how many threads there are about it and then ask yourself why.
Obviously not. It’s leftist propaganda that all racists secretly have these kind of fetishes. Go subvert somewhere else Moshe shekelstein
i believe racemixing is bad, but i don't hate black people, i can't really do aything about it tbf, also while IR porn isn't my favorite thing, blacked makes the white girls look so fucking good, like angels, good lighting and camerawork for what it's worth
What? It's not like Nazis have a superiority complex and interactional cuckold porn revolves around the inferiority of a white man..
what do you like then
Zig Forums has been infiltrated by jews for many years now who push all kinds of shit to divide attention
Interracial* also what's with the peeps here larping on the web, pretending to be black? That just kinda proves something
>It's the Jews
You guys haven't changed arguement since the publishing of Mein Kampf
Yeah, they’re obsessed with it. It happens a lot. You hate something, you end up fetishizing it.
All the Blacked porn is racist as fuck anyway. It’s about the taboo, seeing an innocent little white girl get pounded by a black thug. It’s like a corruption fetish.
Toll paid
There is absolutely ZERO agenda for pushing:
cuckold fetish threads
interracial fetish threads
chastity fetish threads
transsexual fetish threads
It is NOT organized, and it is NOT piggybacked by Anons wanting to troll
she looks like the kind talk too much shit, try to slap you, and get PUNCHED for it. in other words, she deserved it tbh.
She must've said something racist to him
Fuck those crackers