No fluffy thread? For shame, Zig Forums!

No fluffy thread? For shame, Zig Forums!

Attached: 25519 - Artist carpdime blocks crying deprivation desperation foal huggies hugs hugtoy leash pee poopies psychological_abuse punishment sad sadbox safe saferoom stuffy_friend tears.jpg (750x617, 199.08K)

Attached: 47836 - abuse artist quickhorn discipline explicit piss shit sorrybox.jpg (990x852, 151.7K)

Attached: 13335 - abuse artist quickhorn explicit mother mummah pregnant.png (1600x1200, 369.85K)

Attached: 4714 - abuse artist ginger_fig crying death fluffy_foals fluffy_pony_drowns original_art safe stupidity tears.jpg (968x1808, 592.4K)

Attached: 28351 - Artist carpdime death exposure ferals foal foal_dies food frozen loss mummah pegasus sad sadbox safe snow starvation winter.jpg (878x557, 154.92K)

Attached: 1529724352701.png (1157x978, 579.49K)

Attached: 20447 - artist wolfram_sparks babbehs blood cannibalism crying eat_aww_da_weggies! ferals foal original_art questionable sacrifice sad sadbox starvation stupidity tears weird.png (816x564, 26.53K)

Attached: 30446 - abuse amputation artist carpdime explicit flapping_wings foal pegasus wing_ripped_off wingies wings.jpg (570x539, 101.28K)

Attached: 25546 - Artist carpdime abuse bad_mummah cry drain exterminate exterminator ferals foal foals mummah pest pipe poison sadbox safe spray tears tunnel.jpg (1582x726, 385.26K)

I know you fuckers are out there somewhere.

Attached: 1529467004093.png (800x800, 324.12K)

Attached: 48044 - abandoned artist wolfram_sparks crying feral ferals foals original_art sad sadbox sewer sewer_fluff tears.png (867x1157, 741.37K)

Attached: uYZsMbFCLAo.jpg (699x880, 198.57K)

Attached: 1534653123657.jpg (1450x1099, 226.7K)

what in the goddamn fuck is this

Attached: 1493946419187.png (1500x938, 279.41K)

Attached: 1567314315139m.jpg (267x1024, 48.3K)

Attached: 41905 - artist_mcgonagall fluffy_on_fluffy_abuse fluffy_shitting_fluffy herd punishment questionable sowwy_hoofsies sowwy_poopies.png (1200x764, 572.28K)

love how the little thing crapped itself before it died

Attached: 45111 - artist_mcgonagall balloon foal fun_with_foals pacifier ribbon safe.png (944x2910, 722.95K)

Attached: 1502672208532.png (791x663, 27.05K)

is this just a animal abuse fantasy thing?

I shouldn't say I'm surprised by this but christ.

Attached: 26879 - abuse artist-artist-kun capsaicin chilipepper chilli crying explicit foal shit tears.png (900x1100, 465.33K)

this is fucking cringe

its a MLP fandom that pisses off MLP fans, no one hurts animals if thay like this, and its not sexual

Attached: 7179 - accidental_death artist-fillialcacophony fluffyshy stupidity tree.jpg (720x720, 143.14K)

Attached: 4chan explains fluffies.png (1248x3085, 984.27K)

Attached: 9403 - abuse adora-ball comic crying fluffyshy micro-miniature-horse original_art roodypoo tears.png (1355x551, 62.93K)

>its not sexual
stare into the abyss long enough bruddah, and the fapping stares back at you

Attached: 1493942189227.jpg (572x2400, 374.77K)

Attached: 41920 - artist-mcgonagall cardboard_box ferals foals mummah new_home safe something_terrible_is_sure_to_happen.png (1000x896, 492.5K)

Attached: 5982 - artist-impaler cotton_fluffies fluffy_sorry_stick pointless poopies stupid.jpg (1056x816, 213.86K)

Short version is people got sick of bronies obsessing over mlp fantasies and made fluffy ponies aka fluffies. They are as stupid as kids, break easily, and have no rights in-universe.