Are traps gay?

Are traps gay?

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Queer as a 3 dollar bill.



if this is dubs, then yes


Traps? Yes. Trans women? No.

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yes. I am gay and I like traps

Who cares? If girly bois make you hot then why deny it?

Does it matter? It's not like you have to mark a box for "possibly gay" on your driver's license or anything.

wtf u just answered the most important question on the internet. you literally cannot dispute this answer.

I've never fapped to trans/futa/trap/etc or even been tempted to, but this picture is doing a lot of things to me.


Not yet.

Having sex with a person of the same sex is gay. Traps are really men so it's gay. Men who have a sex change are still men so trannies are gay too.


if they look like a girl and you think you're fucking a girl then no.

if you know its a guy and you think you're fucking a guy then yes.

Who cares niggga, if it makes my dick grow im gonna try to fuck it

Idiots online can't seem to understand the difference for some reason. Also, I say it in nearly every trap thread and other thread hating on trans people but I'll say it again.

Trans women are women.

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Hella gay.
you want penis in your butt.

Pull your cock out and get to playing.

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i am a trap and i am absolutely gay

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More like a twink

Your mom wants penis in her butt.

And yeah I'd love to have Casey Kisses' feminine penis inside me. 100% straight.

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No they're not you fucking mongoloid

Need that screencap of that guy who feel for the "traps aren't gay" meme until he was 69ing a tranny whore with her dick in his mouth, realizing too late that it is infact, gay.

Not even the blind would think you're a trap.

If you need science to achieve such goals, they're mutants and their x-men power is to give me boners.
That doesn't make them women.


Actual retard alert.

>Are traps gay?
Does it matter?
>Transwoman = woman
No they're not, they can't give birth biologically != women
Trap = a person who appears very feminine (tits, ass, rounded softness) thanks to massive HRT and has a dick (mostly non-functional thanks to massive HRT)

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>Does it matter?
Wow you are so right and woke. How could I focus on such trivial things. You are really leading the way.
