Are traps gay?
Are traps gay?
Queer as a 3 dollar bill.
if this is dubs, then yes
Traps? Yes. Trans women? No.
yes. I am gay and I like traps
Who cares? If girly bois make you hot then why deny it?
Does it matter? It's not like you have to mark a box for "possibly gay" on your driver's license or anything.
wtf u just answered the most important question on the internet. you literally cannot dispute this answer.
I've never fapped to trans/futa/trap/etc or even been tempted to, but this picture is doing a lot of things to me.
Not yet.
Having sex with a person of the same sex is gay. Traps are really men so it's gay. Men who have a sex change are still men so trannies are gay too.
if they look like a girl and you think you're fucking a girl then no.
if you know its a guy and you think you're fucking a guy then yes.
Who cares niggga, if it makes my dick grow im gonna try to fuck it
Idiots online can't seem to understand the difference for some reason. Also, I say it in nearly every trap thread and other thread hating on trans people but I'll say it again.
Trans women are women.
Hella gay.
you want penis in your butt.
Pull your cock out and get to playing.
i am a trap and i am absolutely gay
More like a twink
Your mom wants penis in her butt.
And yeah I'd love to have Casey Kisses' feminine penis inside me. 100% straight.
No they're not you fucking mongoloid
Need that screencap of that guy who feel for the "traps aren't gay" meme until he was 69ing a tranny whore with her dick in his mouth, realizing too late that it is infact, gay.
Not even the blind would think you're a trap.
If you need science to achieve such goals, they're mutants and their x-men power is to give me boners.
That doesn't make them women.
Actual retard alert.
>Are traps gay?
Does it matter?
>Transwoman = woman
No they're not, they can't give birth biologically != women
Trap = a person who appears very feminine (tits, ass, rounded softness) thanks to massive HRT and has a dick (mostly non-functional thanks to massive HRT)
>Does it matter?
Wow you are so right and woke. How could I focus on such trivial things. You are really leading the way.