Drawthread: NSFW Edition

Drawthread: NSFW Edition

Attached: 20200520_202934.png (562x798, 458.79K)

Anchor post for deliveries

Attached: 20200519_154337.jpg (686x949, 152.18K)

Requesting loli/teen katyusha getting a hard messy dicking.

Attached: 1580599723480.png (900x802, 268.56K)

sounds fun. lemme just get something to eat and ill get on it.

Attached: Untitled-1.png (800x800, 145.23K)

Fuck off

Henlo drawthread, I'll do a request or two before bed
Hey gobbo, how're you holding up?

Attached: Mobile henlo.png (714x967, 138.9K)

I'm gonna break it down for you simpletons.

Zig Forums drawthreads are shit. Seldom do drawfags come here. The only people that really populate these threads are retarded spergs, requesters, roleplayers for fuck sake, and avatarfags that pretend that they're drawfags. You can largely blame the latter for the state of these threads. They see this place as a chatroom where they draw reaction images of their avatars, not a place for requesting and creative drawing. Avatarfags actively scare off drawfags when they do happen across these threads, whether through excessive attention whoring, forced namefagging, or shitting all over them because "they did the wrong request." Not to mention you have to deal with them pretending like they know anything about art.

All other boards' drawthreads have a clean format that encourages deliveries and creativity. Even /trash/ drawthreads are in a better state than Zig Forums drawthreads, and honestly, that's fucking sad. Avatarfagging lands you a ban, and namefagging is extremely minimal. All drawfags are thanked greatly for their work by the requester and other anons. Good deliveries get the honor of being included in the next drawthread OP. Some of them even offer critiques and constructive criticism when warranted by other drawfags.

In brief, Zig Forums drawthreads focus around the individuals that FORCE identification on its posters. All other board's drawthreads focus around the content in the threads.

The root of the problem is the avatarfags. They're the ones that force the identification, not only on themselves but on other posters. They only care about the persona. Take away the avatarfags and you lose this corrupted culture. Things will return to the norm that is traditional imageboard culture, the focus on content rather than the user. Not to mention the corruption proceeding the future of these threads with anons directly roleplaying with these people.

You can naysay all you like, but it doesn't change the fact of the matter.

Attached: 15671902666330.jpg (434x532, 18.15K)

Fuck off

Requesting Lum titfuck

Attached: 1589928419870m.jpg (712x1024, 94.8K)

Requesting Michiru looking shocked and embarrassed with massive testicles that exit above her underwear and hang down to the floor
normal sized dick is optional but there doesnt need to be a dick

Attached: 1590031410932.png (1086x1200, 108.36K)

Here we go, nighttime Drawthread time. Will it be dead, or will it burn up in an hour? Find out tonight on Zig Forums.org/b/thread/whatever+this+one+is


Can you draw her but completly nude, and in any sugestive pose?

Attached: ETiukz7X0AIlT0h.jfif.jpg (1288x1438, 154.02K)

requesting polt pregnant walking on a treadmill with her pussy wet and dripping while shes panting

Attached: cant get fit.jpg (1706x1238, 296.32K)

who got em

I guess I'm smuggling sfw content in.

Attached: strollwiththegf.png (800x600, 148.08K)

is that fucking blinx?

requesting her roped to the anchor post in peril/drowning.
write b deliveries on the anchor somewhere.

Attached: miin.png (207x249, 136.64K)

Since I'm never going to get my request drawn, I'm going to ruin these drawthreads once I get home to my PC.
Fuck off avatarcunts.

yep but genderbend


Attached: meme.jpg (1047x764, 159.45K)

eh. holing up alright I guess. been a long day though.

Sorry to hear that dude. Wanna talk about it?

Requesting a trashy opossum chick spreading her pussy lips pissing into a piss jug.
Maybe shes a bit tipsy, on account of her redneck moonshine, commenting how this so so easy for guys to do.

Pic for mild reference, try to create your own design.

Attached: e254e92116f3a56806062dce09c63e8f.png (1600x2300, 1.16M)

utterly wasted

VPN Hub Girl getting fucked like crazy
Extra points if shes a loli and says "with VPN Hub nobody will ever know you fucked me"

Attached: 20200426_063506.png (116x280, 27K)

>Man child wasted his life requesting stupid shit now is wasting his life spamming drawthreads >everyone opens new tabs to other drawthreads and boards across Zig Forums
>wait till man child is finished with his temper
>Continue on like normal

It must be really fucking sad to be related to someone as pathetic as you are.

>sounds fun. lemme just get something to eat and ill get on it.

/r/ we see the other photos from her, showing the rest of the "goods".
Maybe cut scene to her showing these pics to Buster...or Bugs.

Attached: porn_audition.png (365x368, 321.03K)

this happens every fucking time one of you man-children dont get what you want.

That dialogue, that's pretty funny

Requesting him jacking off on underwear, and cumming through his trousers

Attached: jack.jpg (1133x1600, 375.46K)

Requesting her nude without the bow, longer scraggly unkempt hair, arms up behind her head revealing her scraggly blonde pit hair and equally scraggly unkempt pubes
She'd look embarrassed and probably have some tears forming

Attached: 12109341.jpg (689x1067, 188.79K)

Requesting an edit for some proper female nips as its a bit cunt boi.

Attached: 1589850807692 weav1.png (879x892, 18.58K)


Requesting something drawn with these characters from a German comic. Clean or smutty, your choice.

Last try hail mary.

Attached: 1589681397532.png (929x424, 1.01M)

Requesting this Christopher lee violating oskar's tight young boy cunt pls

Attached: Die_schule_der_kleinen_vampire_req.png (1920x1080, 1.44M)

Requesting her giving a blowjob to user, but her hair keeps getting in the way because she didn't get her haircut.

Attached: harriet possibly.png (1065x1292, 591.86K)

>why the fuck are you still here

Fuck off

>this fucking creep

Attached: Mobile.jpg (1440x2560, 372.2K)

Night man, thanks for banging out those guys' requests
That's cool. Have you uploaded any pages yet, or is it still WIP?

Requesting Stacey getting outof the shower. Something like the reference.

Attached: StaceD.jpg (2512x2048, 676.07K)

requesting she has to succ off a merman to gain access to the real treasure, her hair being so long she constantly has to swoosh it out of the way.

Attached: therealteasure.jpg (3264x2448, 1.01M)

Requesting my OC (in pic)
Will post reference in a minute

Attached: IMG_20200520_175455.jpg (579x599, 131.95K)

Can someone draw Sophia, as shown at the top left of this pic, masturbating with whatever she's holding similar to what the other character is doing? Thanks! :)

Attached: 1589890721667.png (1397x1863, 1.69M)

Reference for this post
Thank you in advance guys

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I accidentally spooked a nigger on the way off work tonight.

Attached: shadow86.png (822x346, 12.91K)