College is a waste of time

College is a waste of time

Im 20, got a welding job out of highschool and i now own my own house, two trucks and a motorcycle all paid off


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Prove it or you're a liar

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Some people don’t want to be a blue collar worker or below a 90 iq user and that’s what college is for
Trades are for cucks who try too hard to not fit in

I believe the phrase is pics or it didn't happen user.

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>got a welding job
Lol, have fun when you're 40 and your knees and back are fucked to shit

"trades are for cucks" someones mad they wasted all their life in school

Yeah sure keep telling yourself that while you look on youtube to fix a pipe

College was a waste of time. I spent too much time and money on a worthless degree.
I'm 41. I throw packages around for $15 an hour, and I live with my parents.

I agree. I'm 30 and never went to college. I make more than both my parents combined doing HVAC work

How the fuck did you pay off a house on a welder's salary as well as all the other shit? Supposing you made 60,000 a year and only paid 10,000 in taxes (dumb as shit, you def paid way more), that leaves you with 200,000 dollars after four years (supposing you dropped out at 16). I call bullshit sir.

That is so neat dude. Two trucks you say?!? wow.

Whoa! Cool dude, I'm 18 and got a cock-sucking job right outta high school... Now I own 2 houses a motorcycle dealership and an Ivy League College. FUCK SCHOOL!

my friend was a glazer when he got out of highschool. by the time he was 20 he made 70$ an hour

If you commit to a trade and get educated in that trade, then yes, college is a waste of time. Otherwise, it's biggest benefit is showing employers you can put up with bullshit and finish tasks regardless for at least 4 years. In very few cases (STEM, mostly) you'll actually learn something useful for your career.

college isnt a waste of time

im 21, got a biotech job out of college and now I own my own house on 25 acres, one truck for towing my boat and collectors car when it craps out. all paid off


I've never really regretted getting some book lernin' but I'm now 33 and a 2nd year apprentice pipefitter and it'sthe only job I've ever remotely liked. Laid off now because covid and slow work but I'm making better money than I ever did using my degree and I'm learning a bunch of skills that have broad usage outside the trade.

I don't fully agree with you but I also don't entirely disagree.

There are a lot of young men going to college who would be better off picking up a trade like you did.
I enjoyed my time in college even though I was broke the whole time, and unlike many of my peers picked up valuable skills that translated into a good job afterwards.
Not everyone has the intelligence and drive to get six-figure white collar jobs.

Maybe college is a waste of time if youre in it to be a millionare youre a fucking fool

I went to college and learned a lot, glad im not a fucking retard like the rest of you retards.

Welders get Parkinson's, body work guys get lung cancer

I hope you wear a ventilator/mask all the time or youre in for an untimely death

If anyone here is looking to go into a hyper specific trade, like brewing or something gay like that, fucking don't

>There are a lot of young men going to college who would be better off picking up a trade like you did
It depends why you're going

The issue is too many people are going to college for the wrong reasons, like this user pointed out

Is that where he takes cum shots all over his body until it becomes an impenitrable shell?

glad to see a Zig Forumsro killing it, keep it up

Where do you live?

Nice bait faggot

My family’s been welders since their early 20s. They’re well into their 60s now and they’re all in extremely good shape for their age, and the work has a lot to do with it. You are false

lol so its literally that easy

>look at all my stuff. I’m successful and beating the Jones’s
Is this really the American metric of success? The shit you have?

>My whole families are welders. Kek.
Just the way you talk about it, it is so obviously false. At least try to be convincing. Your family comes out of the womb with a welding torch huh? I love how they all did it from their "early 20s" and they are all in their "late 60s" lol you are a bad liar, even online.

Are you one of the guys who goes online and hits on everyone? Leave me alone goddam

How expensive is welder school and how long did it take? You got like a cert or some shit? How far specialized can you go in welding?

I won’t have to because I won’t be making 80k a year so I’ll have money to pay a depressed fag to fix a pipe

i was first of your replies. possession is by no means my metric of success, i was merely mirroring OPs post for comic effect. I measure my success by the positive impact I have on other peoples' lives, which I actively do at work so I am safe saying that ill die happy

This was literally my train of thought too user. I literally just counted my fingers. They’d have to be late 70s

You are honorable.

so you also claim to be banging t-swift?

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yes, because that is all we have in this world. sorry to disappoint you with the truth

I have to be to make up for all the bad shit I do in my free time

>mommy daddy buy me my future
talk about a cuck

>bad shit
Like what? How old are you?