What's your opinion on James Rolfe?

What's your opinion on James Rolfe?

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His comedy hasn’t aged well and is no longer funny but he will always be beloved

I dont know who that is

Has a wholesome look about him

I enjoyed his work years ago but then I moved on.

Funny guy cool videos but he did everything he possibly could with the avgn thing it’s toast. I’m sure he’s become more successful in other areas

I really do not care much about him or his schtick but i do enjoy toomanygames

he needs to stick to solo content, its way fucking better than watching him talk with 3 other lard asses

The man found his talent as a child and carried it into his adulthood. He was reviewing games and making short films before the age of the internet. He's extremely well versed in classic cinema and his opinions carry validity. I applaud him for what he is both as an entertainer and a creator.

Been hustling for years and got respect for him. He's managed to keep his ass out of hot water and become moderately successful. I still catch his vids from time to time.

He kind of boxed himself in as far as his jokes... Would have been more interesting if his character evolved with time instead of staying the exact fucking same. It kind of bothers me how James is bald in real life but in videos he must spray some shit on or do some weird theater crap to make him have a hairline (or he wears a hat)... For fuck sake shave your head and evolve your personality.
I still watch and enjoy his stuff in a weird nostalgic type of way. He has is little niche that works and good for him... I still think he would do better to evolve / mature... but what the fuck do I know?

The new AVGN episodes are hit or miss for the last couple of years but I still watch and enjoy all the old ones. I like his film and video reviews too.

Stoped giving him views when he e begged to make his movie.

Honeslty can't think of a negative thing to say about him personally. Seems like a really cool guy to know. His content is good and he's managed to keep it entertaining all these years. And he stays out of politics, which is always well received.


I love rolling rock shitty beer and if he likes it he's always got my respeck. Comedy is shit now and his movies are average shit you'd see a college movie grad make. Either way I'll fuck whatver lmao

That movie was the biggest waste of time and effort he has ever done, he doesn't even talk about it any more he knows it was a stain on his career. It took me 3 sittings to watch it all and never again.

He lives like a windrammer as he fucks.

The movie was a fucking awful cringe fest. Yeah.

Get off Zig Forums, Mike.

Holds up a lot better than Nostalgia Critic, by a far margin

Channel became a sellout-fest with nothing but let's plays. Avgn has unfortunately gotten stale

He’s a god

Shouldn't have went to link. :|

Good content maker, good guy, sorta past his prime in terms of the "angry" content but still lots of respect for his impact on online content.

he's good

I get anxiety watching some of his videos because of how old they are and because they remind that I have done nothing with my life.

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i bet he was always drinking water out of his rolling rock bottle

1 of the greatest 2 do it

I really like his old videos, watched all of them, even some more than once. I have played most of those shitty games when i was a kid so i can really relate.

Now AVGN seems to forced, lacks the spirit, lacks its shittyness, .

the video club reviews are ok. I watch them too. but I hate that real life Cartman... Justin Silverman he is an asshole, and not in the cool way. Everyone else in the show is cool, BUT THAT FUCKIN JUSTIN PIECE OF SHIT


For a while it was beer, but he switched it up around episode like 30-40 because he was frequently getting drunk on set.

He was great a decade ago.

Is your penis really that big?

Cool guy, his age is showing and the comedy is running dry but ill be damned if i dont watch every new nerd video twice.
Also Mike is a fat cunt and needs to be shot in the head.

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I liked the AVGN series and watched ONE video that included a Q&A and that was one of them. I believe the video was the behind the scenes he did of the Barbie game.
I'm sure you're massive though sorry man I'll leave Zig Forums you got me.

Absolutely love the guy. I will admit, his videos don't hit the same as they used to, but I've been watching him since I was a literal child, so I still catch them out of nostalgia. Guy has a real zest for his work, it shines through. 1000x better than Nostalgia Critic, who may be the un-funniest fag that ever existed.