Political compass test thread

Political compass test thread

Why aren't you anarchist-communist yet, anons?

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not retarded

i don't post political compass charts because i'm not a stupid fucking polinigger

That's roughly where I scored, but I'm not an anarchist because they have no viable strategy for changing society

well, anarcho communism is quite retarded because communism requires a very strong government which is the opposite of anarchy

>wasting half an hour on this soulless shit when I could be taking an MBTI test

I don’t have a screenshot, but I’m pretty much a centrist with a slight lean towards libertarian right.

Absolute Mad Lads - Roof Korean

Because its a pipedream

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lol contradictory. what is it called when you just dont want any of this.no government nothing

To be an anarchist, you have to believe hierarchies are social constructs. There definite proof that hierarchies are natural. Anarchy can only be a political belief held by one who denies reality.
Give you shit for free? No. People have a right to live to the best of their ability. They do not have a right to the labor of others. This is simple fact. Denying it, asserting you have any claim to anything acquired by someone more successful than you, given enough time, will get you killed. People can be generous. Forcing people to be generous will result in a rebellion. Like it or not, giving money to niggers is not in my best interest.

i'm not an ancom because i don't know how to read

Well, since we're already here. What are your opinions, Zig Forums? I'm fucked over this one

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I cant fins my original, but im sitting at (1,-3)

Strongly agree.

grow up you fucking faggot
laws exist because idiots like you get a notion to be your own sheriff

How does anarcho communism work?

Fence-sitting faggot.

Because I want the Democrats to transition democratic socialism into being. They're the only high profile political party that can do this. The people cannot fragment into the tribal bullshit you're suggesting.

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It doesn’t.

>Why aren't you anarchist-communist yet, anons?
because I don't have a phobia of math and reading

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there are a number of cults/religious movements who have attempted to do something similar in practice (with different motivations, obviously) and it all pretty much goes the same way.
anarcho-anything invariably falls victim to the tragedy of the commons.

because whats mine is mine and I get what I want.

Not taking the meme compass
I am social democratic economically and far right socially. If i had to describe my ideology using labels i suppose the most fitting would be Nationalist.

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I'm libertarian right with a little anarchy desires because I have young siblings and one became my gf

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your state takes in more federal money than San Francisco does

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But if that's how Darwinism operates...

Strongly disagree. Artificially controlling prices has has numerous negative effects throughout all of history. As prices go up because of inflation, so do wages so it basically cancels out

>The social right
supports policies that should not be put to a vote

The point is, that question is directly pointed at the Republican Party, because they definitely manipulatated the economy approving Trump's tax cuts.

Nothing should be put to a vote. People are retarded, democracy doesn't work. A nation state led by an unelected leader is the only system that has even found real prosperity.

Because I want a just, functioning society, not the laughable dystopia of a bunch of lazy burnouts.

Attached: seemsaboutright.png (480x400, 17.2K)

Then if you try to implement your oppressive social policy you will be stopped. This country's already had too much of a taste of personal freedom.

It wouldn't be up there in the right quadrant, then. It would be exact opposite. You don't want justice, you want "order."

Only in an orderly society is justice possible. Otherwise, chaos reigns.

The wicked will always scramble to retain their status quo, that so much is true. However i disagree with the assertion that any modern first world country is truly free. If you are talking about America then you may have a case, however most people don't even have the free will required to not be obese so i would hardly consider them sovereign individuals,