Good evening, user. Sometimes money is tight and, either way, we should be filling our stomachs, not the pockets of large corporations. In this spirit, let's share tips for saving money on food at the grocery store.

I used to go to the self checkout and scan most of my items, but leave the most expensive ones in my cart. After paying, I would quickly put the expensive items into my bags and quickly leave. However, I think loss management caught on because I noticed that I'm under extra scrutiny now.

Please share your tips for saving money at the grocery store.

Corporate shills, class traitors, and law abiders encouraged not to reply.

inb4 nigger.

Attached: booty.jpg (800x726, 327.97K)

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Thieving scum, I hope you get sent to prison and get raped in the showers you fucking scumbag.

bro look at this guy ahahahha what a pussy get some money broke ass

Fucking nigger.
Neck yourself if you truly are this pathetic

Generic shit. Big coats, head down, etc
Summer is not an opportune time, unless you just got back from LARPing

get a job at a grocery store to acquire the uniform then quit and go in and take stuff at your leisure. no ones gonna stop you if you look like you work there.

Here’s a tip: Don’t be a NIGGER

They factor theft losses into the next years prices, so you arwnt stealing from the corporation, you're actually stealing from the customers since they end up paying for the things you stole

I used to shove whole bottles of wine in my front pockets and just walk out and I never got caught. did this with a fifth of whiskey all Walmart once too.

Buddy, just pack your basket, wait in line, then walk out. They can't legally stop you once 50 feet out the door, and even then only security can stop you. No cashier is going to get in your way. Never go back.

fuck it we'll be dead or in jail by then

Loss Prevention will stand in your way if they catch you

Dude if everyone just stole it wouldn’t matter

>you're actually stealing from the customers

what kind of cucked logic is this

>He doesn't realize that corporations already charge the maximum price customers are willing to pay
What, do you think they could make more money from customers but they choose not to? LOL, I can't believe idiots like yourself keep using this absurd logic. They are a business, dumbass, if they charge more less people will buy and they will lose revenue. Basic economics.

What’s so expensive in the grocery store that you have to steal it? I would understand a tech store but grocery stores now have low prices because of Walmart competition. I just makes no sense trying to steal from the cheapest store around

Inb4 got baited

They have to be standing at the door already, in which case just say you forgot your card and leave without stealing anything. Loss prevention also has to watch you take something and have uninterrupted visuals on you until you leave in order to stop you. Doesn't mean they won't break the law themselves though. This happened to someone I know and when the police came, the store was the one in trouble.

Pro tip: every item has a number labelled on the or the selves. Something like 6.99 or whatever. If you take a desired item to a register and give an equivalent dollar amount to the employee, you can walk out with it for free. Totally works I do it all the time.

In this persons fantasy world, big daddy government provides for all magically. No need for anyone to work, we can just print money and collect ubi.

Benefits are theft from the taxpayer if you didn't know (because we wouldn't give it up any other way). One day society will cast out the unproductive. Hopefully soon.

cool joke bro

People don't steal rice and pasta.. They buy that, then steal steak and deserts.

being a worker is all the more reason to steal from corporations. your opinions are bad.

Again, are they really that expensive that you have to steal them? You’re not sneaking an iPhone 10 out of the store, just a slab of meat that costs around 30$. Is it that hard to pay for things like that?

Just go to a busy store, pack your bag and walk out. I work at a supermarket and we have better things to do than stop theft. It doesn't benefit us either way if we catch or don't catch people. Just don't steal a whole row of shavers or batteries, other high priced items etc.

You have very little life experience it seems. 30 could be 4 hours of work for a lot of people. People value their time. And yeah, 50 to a hundred a week adds up to 2-5 thousand by the end of the year.

Any actual tips or is everyone going to just complain? 4chins is pretty soy now

Because those corporations are the ones producing stuff. Idiot. Corporations aren't real things if you didn't know. You are stealing from the workers and consumers only.

Then just don’t buy expensive things if you can’t afford them. Budget out and don’t blow it all on food, you’re feeding the shitter.

How so?

This thread is literally about stealing. Zig Forums is so cucked these days.

What part of if we stop supporting freeloaders there will be more to go around for all the producers don't you get?

If there's less theft, that means workers can have a higher wage, buyers can have a lower price, and investors (who work to produce profit and many who are everyday workers buying stocks) can get a better return o their investment. Everyone wins except the thief.

This operates under the false assumption that corporations will raise their workers wages and lower prices if they are making more. They won't and it has been shown that they won't time and time again. They are more interested in share buybacks and bonuses for execs. You're the worst kind of poor person.

OP deserves a free bullet to the head.

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hi i used to steal a lot b4 security gave me trauma but i ran a tumblr dedicated to it,,,I got over 2k worth of items in like a year good luck user

So you think the corporation actually earns money and keeps it for itself, or maybe, just maybe, the whole corporation is made out of workers.

Link to your tumblr?


Since the pandemic I've been taking a huge backpack to the store and using it in leiu of a basket (if anyone asks, I don't wanna touch one.) I load it up, take it to the self service, empty and scan half the items, pay, then stack the scanned items on top of the others and walk out. Must've saved 100s over the last few months. (UK)

There's this weird trick where if you get a job they will pay you. And then you just go to the grocery store, put what you want in your cart, stand in line, check out, pay them, and then you can leave with all the stuff and no one will stop you. Try it sometime

executives and shareholders =/= workers. all surplus profit goes to them, share buybacks, and building more stores. they have no interest in raising wages or lowering prices. use your brain, user.

Stealing is spicy shopping
All y’all are babies

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The point is that someone is getting the money, and they are the producers. They worked to invest in the company, their return on investment is being hurt by the freeloaders. Imagine thinking that raising wages is the only way money leaves the company.

Not apoorfag so I don't steal.

Did walk out once with some stuff accidently. Carts here have bars underneath which aren't meant to have stuff on them but a large item can be put there, saves space in the cart. Walked straight through checkout with it, totally forgot it was there.

Nigger detected

>executives and shareholders =/= workers
How, they invest money the same way workers invest time. In your fantasy world the government =/= workers either. That was the whole point of my first comment. So if everyone stole from the government, would everyone profit and noone lose? Think user.

Yeah, no. Most upper management are scum. They don't produce, except bullshit maybe. See, even some of the poor are brainwashed to be okay with this. Just, wow.